Holas he instalado fail2ban en un server ubuntu y me bloquea bien las ips que acceden por ssh pero la jail de phpmyadmin no me funciona , me dice :
* Restarting authentication failure monitor fail2ban [fail]
el codigo del filtro de la jail phpmyadmin , lo copié y pegué de un tutorial , ya que al parecer no viene ninguno por defecto en la carpeta filter.d .
failregex = ^[[]client <HOST>[]] File does not exist: *myadmin* *\s*$
^[[]client <HOST>[]] File does not exist: *MyAdmin* *\s*$
^[[]client <HOST>[]] File does not exist: *mysqlmanager* *\s*$
^[[]client <HOST>[]] File does not exist: *setup.php* *\s*$
^[[]client <HOST>[]] File does not exist: *mysql* *\s*$
^[[]client <HOST>[]] File does not exist: *phpmanager* *\s*$
^[[]client <HOST>[]] File does not exist: *phpadmin* *\s*$
^[[]client <HOST>[]] File does not exist: *sqlmanager* *\s*$
^[[]client <HOST>[]] File does not exist: *sqlweb* *\s*$
^[[]client <HOST>[]] File does not exist: *webdb* *\s*
ignoreregex =
tambien probé con este y nada mismo error :
# Fail2Ban configuration file
# Bans bots scanning for non-existing phpMyAdmin installations on your webhost.
# Author: Gina Haeussge
docroot = /var/www
badadmin = PMA|phpmyadmin|myadmin|mysql|mysqladmin|sqladmin|mypma|admin|xampp|mysqldb|mydb|db|pmadb|phpmyadmin1|phpmyadmin2
# Option: failregex
# Notes.: Regexp to match often probed and not available phpmyadmin paths.
# Values: TEXT
failregex = [[]client []] File does not exist: %(docroot)s/(?:%(badadmin)s)
# Option: ignoreregex
# Notes.: regex to ignore. If this regex matches, the line is ignored.
# Values: TEXT
ignoreregex =
soy muy novato en esto y toy atascao
* Restarting authentication failure monitor fail2ban [fail]
el codigo del filtro de la jail phpmyadmin , lo copié y pegué de un tutorial , ya que al parecer no viene ninguno por defecto en la carpeta filter.d .
failregex = ^[[]client <HOST>[]] File does not exist: *myadmin* *\s*$
^[[]client <HOST>[]] File does not exist: *MyAdmin* *\s*$
^[[]client <HOST>[]] File does not exist: *mysqlmanager* *\s*$
^[[]client <HOST>[]] File does not exist: *setup.php* *\s*$
^[[]client <HOST>[]] File does not exist: *mysql* *\s*$
^[[]client <HOST>[]] File does not exist: *phpmanager* *\s*$
^[[]client <HOST>[]] File does not exist: *phpadmin* *\s*$
^[[]client <HOST>[]] File does not exist: *sqlmanager* *\s*$
^[[]client <HOST>[]] File does not exist: *sqlweb* *\s*$
^[[]client <HOST>[]] File does not exist: *webdb* *\s*
ignoreregex =
tambien probé con este y nada mismo error :
# Fail2Ban configuration file
# Bans bots scanning for non-existing phpMyAdmin installations on your webhost.
# Author: Gina Haeussge
docroot = /var/www
badadmin = PMA|phpmyadmin|myadmin|mysql|mysqladmin|sqladmin|mypma|admin|xampp|mysqldb|mydb|db|pmadb|phpmyadmin1|phpmyadmin2
# Option: failregex
# Notes.: Regexp to match often probed and not available phpmyadmin paths.
# Values: TEXT
failregex = [[]client []] File does not exist: %(docroot)s/(?:%(badadmin)s)
# Option: ignoreregex
# Notes.: regex to ignore. If this regex matches, the line is ignored.
# Values: TEXT
ignoreregex =
soy muy novato en esto y toy atascao