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Mensajes - kondrag_X1

GNU/Linux / Backup con el comando tar
31 Marzo 2017, 10:53 AM
Hola a todos.

Ando super liado intentando hacer un tar.bz2 en Centos 7 pero no lo consigo siempre termina con error y no entiendo porque quizá me podeis echar una mano.

Ejecuto el comando

sudo tar cPjf /backup/prueba.tar.bz2  --exclude=/backup/* --exclude=/home/error.log --exclude=/proc/* --exclude=/media/* --exclude=/dev/* --exclude=/mnt/* --exclude=/mnt/* --exclude=/run/*--exclude=/sys/* --exclude=/tmp/* /

le quité la v para no ver la salido y solamente ver el error.
la salida por consola.

tar: /sys/module/rfkill/sections/__ksymtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/rfkill/parameters/default_state: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/rfkill/refcnt: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/rfkill/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/rfkill/initsize: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sd_mod/srcversion: File shrank by 4072 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sd_mod/taint: File shrank by 4095 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sd_mod/rhelversion: File shrank by 4092 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sd_mod/initstate: File shrank by 4091 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sd_mod/coresize: File shrank by 4090 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sd_mod/sections/.bss: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sd_mod/sections/.init.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sd_mod/sections/.smp_locks: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sd_mod/sections/.data: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sd_mod/sections/.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sd_mod/sections/__mcount_loc: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sd_mod/sections/.rodata: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sd_mod/sections/.strtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sd_mod/sections/.symtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sd_mod/sections/.gnu.linkonce.this_module: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sd_mod/sections/.rodata.str1.1: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sd_mod/sections/.rodata.str1.8: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sd_mod/sections/__bug_table: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sd_mod/sections/ File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sd_mod/sections/.exit.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sd_mod/refcnt: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sd_mod/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/sd_mod/initsize: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/pcmcia_core/parameters/shutdown_delay: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/pcmcia_core/parameters/cis_speed: File shrank by 4092 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/pcmcia_core/parameters/setup_delay: File shrank by 4093 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/pcmcia_core/parameters/unreset_check: File shrank by 4093 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/pcmcia_core/parameters/unreset_delay: File shrank by 4093 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/pcmcia_core/parameters/unreset_limit: File shrank by 4093 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/pcmcia_core/parameters/reset_time: File shrank by 4093 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/pcmcia_core/parameters/resume_delay: File shrank by 4093 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/pcmcia_core/parameters/vcc_settle: File shrank by 4093 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/pcmcia_core/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/shpchp/srcversion: File shrank by 4072 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/shpchp/taint: File shrank by 4095 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/shpchp/rhelversion: File shrank by 4092 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/shpchp/initstate: File shrank by 4091 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/shpchp/coresize: File shrank by 4090 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/shpchp/sections/.bss: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/shpchp/sections/.init.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/shpchp/sections/.data: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/shpchp/sections/.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/shpchp/sections/.ref.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/shpchp/sections/__param: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/shpchp/sections/__mcount_loc: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/shpchp/sections/.rodata: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/shpchp/sections/.strtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/shpchp/sections/.symtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/shpchp/sections/.gnu.linkonce.this_module: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/shpchp/sections/.rodata.str1.1: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/shpchp/sections/.rodata.str1.8: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/shpchp/sections/ File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/shpchp/sections/.exit.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/shpchp/parameters/shpchp_debug: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/shpchp/parameters/shpchp_poll_mode: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/shpchp/parameters/shpchp_poll_time: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/shpchp/refcnt: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/shpchp/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/shpchp/initsize: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sis8300drv/srcversion: File shrank by 4072 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sis8300drv/taint: File shrank by 4093 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sis8300drv/rhelversion: File shrank by 4092 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sis8300drv/initstate: File shrank by 4091 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sis8300drv/coresize: File shrank by 4090 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sis8300drv/sections/.bss: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sis8300drv/sections/.init.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sis8300drv/sections/.smp_locks: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sis8300drv/sections/.data: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sis8300drv/sections/.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sis8300drv/sections/__mcount_loc: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sis8300drv/sections/.rodata: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sis8300drv/sections/__verbose: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sis8300drv/sections/.strtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sis8300drv/sections/.symtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sis8300drv/sections/.text.unlikely: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sis8300drv/sections/.gnu.linkonce.this_module: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sis8300drv/sections/.rodata.str1.1: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sis8300drv/sections/.rodata.str1.8: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sis8300drv/sections/__bug_table: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sis8300drv/sections/ File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sis8300drv/sections/.exit.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sis8300drv/refcnt: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/sis8300drv/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/sis8300drv/initsize: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/nls_utf8/srcversion: File shrank by 4072 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/nls_utf8/taint: File shrank by 4095 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/nls_utf8/rhelversion: File shrank by 4092 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/nls_utf8/initstate: File shrank by 4091 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/nls_utf8/coresize: File shrank by 4090 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/nls_utf8/sections/.bss: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/nls_utf8/sections/.init.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/nls_utf8/sections/.data: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/nls_utf8/sections/.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/nls_utf8/sections/__mcount_loc: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/nls_utf8/sections/.strtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/nls_utf8/sections/.symtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/nls_utf8/sections/.gnu.linkonce.this_module: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/nls_utf8/sections/.rodata.str1.1: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/nls_utf8/sections/ File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/nls_utf8/sections/.exit.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/nls_utf8/refcnt: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/nls_utf8/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/nls_utf8/initsize: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/tcp_lp/srcversion: File shrank by 4072 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/tcp_lp/taint: File shrank by 4095 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/tcp_lp/rhelversion: File shrank by 4092 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/tcp_lp/initstate: File shrank by 4091 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/tcp_lp/coresize: File shrank by 4090 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/tcp_lp/sections/.init.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/tcp_lp/sections/.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/tcp_lp/sections/__mcount_loc: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/tcp_lp/sections/.rodata: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/tcp_lp/sections/__verbose: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/tcp_lp/sections/.strtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/tcp_lp/sections/.symtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/tcp_lp/sections/.gnu.linkonce.this_module: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/tcp_lp/sections/.rodata.str1.1: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/tcp_lp/sections/.rodata.str1.8: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/tcp_lp/sections/ File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/tcp_lp/sections/.exit.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/tcp_lp/sections/.data..read_mostly: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/tcp_lp/refcnt: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/tcp_lp/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/tcp_lp/initsize: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/srcversion: File shrank by 4072 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/taint: File shrank by 4095 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/rhelversion: File shrank by 4092 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/initstate: File shrank by 4091 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/coresize: File shrank by 4090 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/sections/.init.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/sections/.smp_locks: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/sections/.data: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/sections/.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/sections/__tracepoints_strings: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/sections/ File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/sections/_ftrace_events: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/sections/__mcount_loc: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/sections/.rodata: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/sections/__verbose: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/sections/.strtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/sections/.symtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/sections/__tracepoints: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/sections/.text.unlikely: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/sections/.gnu.linkonce.this_module: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/sections/.rodata.str1.1: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/sections/.rodata.str1.8: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/sections/ File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/sections/__tracepoints_ptrs: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/sections/__jump_table: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/sections/__kcrctab_gpl: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/sections/__ksymtab_gpl: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/sections/__ksymtab_strings: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/sections/.parainstructions: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/refcnt: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/snd_hda_controller/initsize: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/gf128mul/srcversion: File shrank by 4072 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/gf128mul/taint: File shrank by 4095 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/gf128mul/rhelversion: File shrank by 4092 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/gf128mul/initstate: File shrank by 4091 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/gf128mul/coresize: File shrank by 4090 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/gf128mul/sections/.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/gf128mul/sections/__mcount_loc: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/gf128mul/sections/.rodata: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/gf128mul/sections/.strtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/gf128mul/sections/.symtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/gf128mul/sections/.gnu.linkonce.this_module: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/gf128mul/sections/ File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/gf128mul/sections/__kcrctab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/gf128mul/sections/__ksymtab_strings: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/gf128mul/sections/__ksymtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/gf128mul/refcnt: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/gf128mul/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/gf128mul/initsize: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uinput/srcversion: File shrank by 4072 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uinput/taint: File shrank by 4095 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uinput/rhelversion: File shrank by 4092 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uinput/initstate: File shrank by 4091 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uinput/coresize: File shrank by 4090 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uinput/sections/.init.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uinput/sections/.smp_locks: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uinput/sections/.data: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uinput/sections/.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uinput/sections/__mcount_loc: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uinput/sections/.rodata: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uinput/sections/.strtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uinput/sections/.symtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uinput/sections/.gnu.linkonce.this_module: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uinput/sections/.rodata.str1.1: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uinput/sections/.rodata.str1.8: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uinput/sections/ File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uinput/sections/__jump_table: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uinput/sections/.exit.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uinput/sections/.parainstructions: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uinput/refcnt: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uinput/version: File shrank by 4092 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uinput/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/uinput/initsize: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/processor/parameters/latency_factor: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/processor/parameters/ignore_ppc: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/processor/parameters/ignore_tpc: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/processor/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/usbhid/parameters/mousepoll: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/usbhid/parameters/quirks: File shrank by 4068 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/usbhid/parameters/ignoreled: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/usbhid/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/uv_nmi/parameters/nmi_misses: File shrank by 4093 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uv_nmi/parameters/retry_count: File shrank by 4092 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uv_nmi/parameters/slave_delay: File shrank by 4092 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uv_nmi/parameters/ping_count: File shrank by 4093 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uv_nmi/parameters/action: File shrank by 4090 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uv_nmi/parameters/wait_count: File shrank by 4092 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uv_nmi/parameters/nmi_count: File shrank by 4093 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uv_nmi/parameters/initial_delay: File shrank by 4092 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uv_nmi/parameters/loop_delay: File shrank by 4092 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uv_nmi/parameters/ping_misses: File shrank by 4093 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uv_nmi/parameters/dump_loglevel: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uv_nmi/parameters/trigger_delay: File shrank by 4090 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/uv_nmi/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/blinkenlights: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/autosuspend: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/old_scheme_first: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/authorized_default: File shrank by 4093 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/usbfs_snoop: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/usbfs_memory_mb: File shrank by 4093 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/use_both_schemes: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/usbcore/parameters/initial_descriptor_timeout: File shrank by 4091 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/usbcore/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/crc_t10dif/srcversion: File shrank by 4072 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc_t10dif/taint: File shrank by 4095 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc_t10dif/rhelversion: File shrank by 4092 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc_t10dif/initstate: File shrank by 4091 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc_t10dif/coresize: File shrank by 4090 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc_t10dif/sections/.bss: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc_t10dif/sections/.init.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc_t10dif/sections/.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc_t10dif/sections/.strtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc_t10dif/sections/.symtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc_t10dif/sections/.gnu.linkonce.this_module: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc_t10dif/sections/.rodata.str1.1: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc_t10dif/sections/__bug_table: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc_t10dif/sections/ File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc_t10dif/sections/__kcrctab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc_t10dif/sections/__jump_table: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc_t10dif/sections/.exit.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc_t10dif/sections/__ksymtab_strings: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc_t10dif/sections/.data..read_mostly: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc_t10dif/sections/__ksymtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc_t10dif/refcnt: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc_t10dif/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/crc_t10dif/initsize: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/battery/parameters/cache_time: File shrank by 4091 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/battery/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/xz_dec/version: File shrank by 4092 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/xz_dec/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/pcie_aspm/parameters/policy: File shrank by 4063 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/pcie_aspm/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/srcversion: File shrank by 4072 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/taint: File shrank by 4095 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/rhelversion: File shrank by 4092 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/initstate: File shrank by 4091 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/coresize: File shrank by 4089 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/sections/.bss: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/sections/.init.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/sections/.smp_locks: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/sections/.data: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/sections/.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/sections/__param: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/sections/__ex_table: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/sections/.data.unlikely: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/sections/__mcount_loc: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/sections/.rodata: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/sections/.strtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/sections/.symtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/sections/.text.unlikely: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/sections/.gnu.linkonce.this_module: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/sections/.rodata.str1.1: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/sections/.rodata.str1.8: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/sections/__bug_table: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/sections/ File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/sections/.fixup: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/sections/__jump_table: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/sections/.exit.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/sections/.parainstructions: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/sections/.data..read_mostly: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/ept: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/vpid: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/enable_shadow_vmcs: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/eptad: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/flexpriority: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/ple_window_grow: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/ple_window_shrink: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/ple_window_max: File shrank by 4085 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/fasteoi: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/enable_apicv: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/unrestricted_guest: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/emulate_invalid_guest_state: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/nested: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/vmm_exclusive: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/ple_window: File shrank by 4091 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/ple_gap: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/refcnt: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/kvm_intel/initsize: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/ata_piix/srcversion: File shrank by 4072 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/ata_piix/taint: File shrank by 4095 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/ata_piix/rhelversion: File shrank by 4092 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/ata_piix/initstate: File shrank by 4091 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/ata_piix/coresize: File shrank by 4090 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/ata_piix/sections/.bss: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/ata_piix/sections/.init.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/ata_piix/sections/.data: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/ata_piix/sections/.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/ata_piix/sections/__param: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/ata_piix/sections/__mcount_loc: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/ata_piix/sections/.rodata: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/ata_piix/sections/.strtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/ata_piix/sections/.symtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/ata_piix/sections/.gnu.linkonce.this_module: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/ata_piix/sections/.rodata.str1.1: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/ata_piix/sections/.rodata.str1.8: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/ata_piix/sections/ File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/ata_piix/sections/.exit.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/ata_piix/refcnt: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/ata_piix/version: File shrank by 4091 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/ata_piix/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/ata_piix/initsize: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/glue_helper/srcversion: File shrank by 4072 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/glue_helper/taint: File shrank by 4095 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/glue_helper/rhelversion: File shrank by 4092 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/glue_helper/initstate: File shrank by 4091 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/glue_helper/coresize: File shrank by 4090 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/glue_helper/sections/.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/glue_helper/sections/.data.unlikely: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/glue_helper/sections/__mcount_loc: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/glue_helper/sections/.strtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/glue_helper/sections/.symtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/glue_helper/sections/.gnu.linkonce.this_module: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/glue_helper/sections/.rodata.str1.8: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/glue_helper/sections/ File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/glue_helper/sections/__kcrctab_gpl: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/glue_helper/sections/__ksymtab_gpl: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/glue_helper/sections/__ksymtab_strings: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/glue_helper/refcnt: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/glue_helper/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/glue_helper/initsize: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/srcversion: File shrank by 4072 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/taint: File shrank by 4095 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/rhelversion: File shrank by 4092 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/initstate: File shrank by 4091 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/coresize: File shrank by 4089 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/sections/.bss: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/sections/.init.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/sections/.smp_locks: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/sections/.data: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/sections/.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/sections/__param: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/sections/.data.unlikely: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/sections/__mcount_loc: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/sections/.rodata: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/sections/__verbose: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/sections/.strtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/sections/.symtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/sections/.text.unlikely: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/sections/.gnu.linkonce.this_module: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/sections/.rodata.str1.1: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/sections/.rodata.str1.8: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/sections/__bug_table: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/sections/ File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/sections/__kcrctab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/sections/__kcrctab_gpl: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/sections/__ksymtab_gpl: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/sections/.exit.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/sections/__ksymtab_strings: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/sections/__ksymtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/parameters/disable_esco: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/parameters/disable_ertm: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/parameters/enable_hs: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/refcnt: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/version: File shrank by 4091 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/bluetooth/initsize: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/rcupdate/parameters/rcu_cpu_stall_timeout: File shrank by 4093 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/rcupdate/parameters/rcu_cpu_stall_suppress: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/rcupdate/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/efi_pstore/parameters/pstore_disable: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/efi_pstore/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/zlib_deflate/srcversion: File shrank by 4072 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/zlib_deflate/taint: File shrank by 4095 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/zlib_deflate/rhelversion: File shrank by 4092 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/zlib_deflate/initstate: File shrank by 4091 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/zlib_deflate/coresize: File shrank by 4090 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/zlib_deflate/sections/.bss: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/zlib_deflate/sections/.data: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/zlib_deflate/sections/.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/zlib_deflate/sections/.rodata: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/zlib_deflate/sections/.strtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/zlib_deflate/sections/.symtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/zlib_deflate/sections/.gnu.linkonce.this_module: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/zlib_deflate/sections/.rodata.str1.1: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/zlib_deflate/sections/__bug_table: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/zlib_deflate/sections/ File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/zlib_deflate/sections/__kcrctab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/zlib_deflate/sections/__ksymtab_strings: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/zlib_deflate/sections/__ksymtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/zlib_deflate/refcnt: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/zlib_deflate/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/zlib_deflate/initsize: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/intel_idle/parameters/max_cstate: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/intel_idle/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/intel_rapl/srcversion: File shrank by 4072 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/intel_rapl/taint: File shrank by 4095 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/intel_rapl/rhelversion: File shrank by 4092 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/intel_rapl/initstate: File shrank by 4091 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/intel_rapl/coresize: File shrank by 4090 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/intel_rapl/sections/.bss: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/intel_rapl/sections/.init.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/intel_rapl/sections/.data: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/intel_rapl/sections/.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/intel_rapl/sections/__mcount_loc: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/intel_rapl/sections/.rodata: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/intel_rapl/sections/__verbose: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/intel_rapl/sections/.strtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/intel_rapl/sections/.symtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/intel_rapl/sections/.text.unlikely: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/intel_rapl/sections/.altinstructions: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/intel_rapl/sections/.gnu.linkonce.this_module: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/intel_rapl/sections/.altinstr_replacement: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/intel_rapl/sections/.rodata.str1.1: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/intel_rapl/sections/.rodata.str1.8: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/intel_rapl/sections/ File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/intel_rapl/sections/.exit.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/intel_rapl/refcnt: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/intel_rapl/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/intel_rapl/initsize: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/fnmode: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/iso_layout: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/hid_apple/parameters/swap_opt_cmd: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/hid_apple/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/hid_ntrig/parameters/activation_width: File shrank by 4093 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/hid_ntrig/parameters/min_width: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/hid_ntrig/parameters/activate_slack: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/hid_ntrig/parameters/min_height: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/hid_ntrig/parameters/deactivate_slack: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/hid_ntrig/parameters/activation_height: File shrank by 4093 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/hid_ntrig/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/keyboard/parameters/brl_nbchords: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/keyboard/parameters/brl_timeout: File shrank by 4092 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/keyboard/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/xhci_hcd/parameters/quirks: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/xhci_hcd/parameters/link_quirk: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/xhci_hcd/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/pci_hotplug/parameters/debug: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/pci_hotplug/parameters/debug_acpi: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/pci_hotplug/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/hid_magicmouse/parameters/report_undeciphered: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/hid_magicmouse/parameters/scroll_speed: File shrank by 4093 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/hid_magicmouse/parameters/emulate_scroll_wheel: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/hid_magicmouse/parameters/scroll_acceleration: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/hid_magicmouse/parameters/emulate_3button: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/hid_magicmouse/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/debug_core/parameters/kgdbreboot: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/debug_core/parameters/kgdb_use_con: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/debug_core/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/libcrc32c/srcversion: File shrank by 4072 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/libcrc32c/taint: File shrank by 4095 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/libcrc32c/rhelversion: File shrank by 4092 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/libcrc32c/initstate: File shrank by 4091 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/libcrc32c/coresize: File shrank by 4090 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/libcrc32c/sections/.bss: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/libcrc32c/sections/.init.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/libcrc32c/sections/.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/libcrc32c/sections/.strtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/libcrc32c/sections/.symtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/libcrc32c/sections/.gnu.linkonce.this_module: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/libcrc32c/sections/.rodata.str1.1: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/libcrc32c/sections/__bug_table: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/libcrc32c/sections/ File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/libcrc32c/sections/__kcrctab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/libcrc32c/sections/.exit.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/libcrc32c/sections/__ksymtab_strings: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/libcrc32c/sections/__ksymtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/libcrc32c/refcnt: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/libcrc32c/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/libcrc32c/initsize: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc32_pclmul/srcversion: File shrank by 4072 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc32_pclmul/taint: File shrank by 4095 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc32_pclmul/rhelversion: File shrank by 4092 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc32_pclmul/initstate: File shrank by 4091 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc32_pclmul/coresize: File shrank by 4090 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc32_pclmul/sections/.init.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc32_pclmul/sections/.data: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc32_pclmul/sections/.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc32_pclmul/sections/.data.unlikely: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc32_pclmul/sections/__mcount_loc: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc32_pclmul/sections/.rodata: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc32_pclmul/sections/.strtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc32_pclmul/sections/.symtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc32_pclmul/sections/.gnu.linkonce.this_module: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc32_pclmul/sections/.rodata.str1.8: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc32_pclmul/sections/ File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc32_pclmul/sections/.exit.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc32_pclmul/refcnt: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/crc32_pclmul/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/crc32_pclmul/initsize: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/psmouse/parameters/resolution: File shrank by 4092 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/psmouse/parameters/rate: File shrank by 4092 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/psmouse/parameters/resync_time: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/psmouse/parameters/proto: File shrank by 4091 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/psmouse/parameters/smartscroll: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/psmouse/parameters/resetafter: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/psmouse/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/mfd_core/srcversion: File shrank by 4072 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/mfd_core/taint: File shrank by 4095 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/mfd_core/rhelversion: File shrank by 4092 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/mfd_core/initstate: File shrank by 4091 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/mfd_core/coresize: File shrank by 4090 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/mfd_core/sections/.smp_locks: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/mfd_core/sections/.data: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/mfd_core/sections/.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/mfd_core/sections/__mcount_loc: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/mfd_core/sections/.strtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/mfd_core/sections/.symtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/mfd_core/sections/.gnu.linkonce.this_module: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/mfd_core/sections/.rodata.str1.1: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/mfd_core/sections/.rodata.str1.8: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/mfd_core/sections/ File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/mfd_core/sections/__kcrctab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/mfd_core/sections/__ksymtab_strings: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/mfd_core/sections/__ksymtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/mfd_core/refcnt: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/mfd_core/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/mfd_core/initsize: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/iTCO_vendor_support/srcversion: File shrank by 4072 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/iTCO_vendor_support/taint: File shrank by 4095 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/iTCO_vendor_support/rhelversion: File shrank by 4092 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/iTCO_vendor_support/initstate: File shrank by 4091 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/iTCO_vendor_support/coresize: File shrank by 4090 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/iTCO_vendor_support/sections/.bss: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/iTCO_vendor_support/sections/.init.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/iTCO_vendor_support/sections/.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/iTCO_vendor_support/sections/__param: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/iTCO_vendor_support/sections/__mcount_loc: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/iTCO_vendor_support/sections/.rodata: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/iTCO_vendor_support/sections/.strtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/iTCO_vendor_support/sections/.symtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/iTCO_vendor_support/sections/.gnu.linkonce.this_module: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/iTCO_vendor_support/sections/.rodata.str1.8: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/iTCO_vendor_support/sections/ File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/iTCO_vendor_support/sections/__kcrctab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/iTCO_vendor_support/sections/.exit.text: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/iTCO_vendor_support/sections/__ksymtab_strings: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/iTCO_vendor_support/sections/__ksymtab: File shrank by 4077 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/iTCO_vendor_support/refcnt: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/iTCO_vendor_support/version: File shrank by 4091 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /sys/module/iTCO_vendor_support/uevent: Cannot open: Permission denied
tar: /sys/module/iTCO_vendor_support/initsize: File shrank by 4094 bytes; padding with zeros
tar: /var/lib/libvirt/qemu/capabilities.monitor.sock: socket ignored
tar: /var/spool/postfix/private/tlsmgr: socket ignored
tar: /var/spool/postfix/private/bounce: socket ignored
tar: /var/spool/postfix/private/trace: socket ignored
tar: /var/spool/postfix/private/proxymap: socket ignored
tar: /var/spool/postfix/private/proxywrite: socket ignored
tar: /var/spool/postfix/private/relay: socket ignored
tar: /var/spool/postfix/private/retry: socket ignored
tar: /var/spool/postfix/private/discard: socket ignored
tar: /var/spool/postfix/private/virtual: socket ignored
tar: /var/spool/postfix/private/lmtp: socket ignored
tar: /var/spool/postfix/private/scache: socket ignored
tar: /var/spool/postfix/private/rewrite: socket ignored
tar: /var/spool/postfix/private/defer: socket ignored
tar: /var/spool/postfix/private/verify: socket ignored
tar: /var/spool/postfix/private/smtp: socket ignored
tar: /var/spool/postfix/private/error: socket ignored
tar: /var/spool/postfix/private/local: socket ignored
tar: /var/spool/postfix/private/anvil: socket ignored
tar: /var/spool/postfix/public/pickup: socket ignored
tar: /var/spool/postfix/public/cleanup: socket ignored
tar: /var/spool/postfix/public/qmgr: socket ignored
tar: /var/spool/postfix/public/flush: socket ignored
tar: /var/spool/postfix/public/showq: socket ignored
tar: Exiting with failure status due to previous errors

y no entiendo que puede estar pasando.


class M
public static X;
private Thread mT;
public M()
mT = new Thread(startThread);

public void startThread()
   // aqui leo la variable

public Main()
M uno = new M();
M dos = new M();

El problema esque ambas clases compartiran la variable statica y si la hago publica protected no se puede modificar por el hilo. No sé si ahora se entenderá un poco mas el problema.
No lo que quiero es que cada clase comparta la variable con su hilo, al final haciendo una copia del los parámetros se los paso al hilo y me ha funcionado. Lo malo que si deseo que se modifique desde el hilo tendre que implementar un patron observador para notificar a la clase.

.NET (C#, VB.NET, ASP) / [C#] hilos parametros
24 Agosto 2016, 08:51 AM
Hola a todos, a ver si alguien me puede echar una mano que estoy un pelin perdido.

Bueno pues el tema es que tengo una clase que lanza un hilo, y como en el programa solo se instanciaba una vez, la variables de la clase se compartian con el hijo mediante el identificador static y no habia ningún problema. Pero ahora necesito instanciar dos objetos y al estar la variables de la clase como static son compartidas por todos los objetos de la aplicacion. Cómo se puede solucionar esto? usando delegados?

Scripting / Re: Node o python??
26 Enero 2016, 23:16 PM
Gracias por contestar ivancea96 si eso he visto que por lo general note esta orientado al extremin mientras que python es todo todo terreno, es decir, no se puede sustituir.
Hola Crack81,

Esto es link??? Que hace falta para incluirlo alguna libreria;
Código (C#) [Seleccionar]

var macAddr =
from nic in NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces()
select nic.GetPhysicalAddress().ToString()
Scripting / Node o python??
25 Enero 2016, 00:49 AM
Hola gente,

Tengo una pregunta rondándome la cabeza quiero aprender un lenguaje de script que sea lo más versátil posible y estoy dudando entre node y python.

Vosotros por cual os decantais?
#8 en el link explica lo básico de los socket como puedes manejar peticiones esta muy bien con sus diagramas.

Pero si quieres controlar varios socket a la vez yo creo que tendrás que usar select
Siento mucho decirte que si te quieres complicar vas a tener que trabajar a nivel de bit con el estándar IE754, no es complicado separas parte entera mantisa y exponente y sacas los datos.
Coincido con Elektro en el tema si quieres ser profesional haz una demo, en tal caso de que te resulte muy complicado graba un video usando las funcionalidad de la app y envíaselo para que el cliente se quede mas tranquilo.

PD: Consejo que recibí por parte de electro hace algún tiempo se selectivo en los trabajos.