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Mensajes - TitoPulo

Bueno, despues de intentarlo por activa y por pasiva, este es el log que me da fidller, que sinceramente no entiendo muy bien, si me puedes explicar david :)

Estoy por buscar una version mas antigua de java e instalarla. Como puedo identificar la version con la que se creo la applet?

-= Fiddler Event Log =-
See for details.

12:57:10:3864 Fiddler Running...
12:58:26:6877 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:4084) new client socket, port 64527.
12:58:26:6887 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:4084) new client socket, port 64528.
12:58:26:6887 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:4084) new client socket, port 64529.
12:58:26:6887 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:4084) new client socket, port 64530.
12:58:26:6897 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:4084) new client socket, port 64531.
13:04:01:1029 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes.
13:04:01:1039 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes.
13:04:01:1039 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes.
13:04:03:0040 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes.
13:04:04:0100 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes.
13:04:04:0100 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes.
13:06:59:8851 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (firefox:2028) new client socket, port 64679.
13:06:59:8851 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (firefox:2028) new client socket, port 64682.
13:07:33:6070 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (firefox:2028) new client socket, port 64700.
13:07:33:6070 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (firefox:2028) new client socket, port 64703.
13:07:33:6080 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (firefox:2028) new client socket, port 64701.
13:10:04:3787 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes.
13:10:04:3797 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes.
13:10:05:1827 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes.
13:10:08:6999 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes.
13:10:10:2980 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (firefox:2028) new client socket, port 64841.
13:10:57:1817 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (firefox:2028) new client socket, port 64860.
13:13:34:7047 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (firefox:2028) new client socket, port 64876.
13:13:35:3427 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (firefox:2028) new client socket, port 64881.
13:13:37:1888 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (firefox:2028) new client socket, port 64884.
13:13:37:1888 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes.
13:13:40:3380 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (firefox:2028) new client socket, port 64887.
13:13:40:3380 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes.
13:13:49:8856 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes.
13:13:49:8856 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes.
13:13:49:8866 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes.
13:13:49:8866 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes.
13:13:49:8876 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes.
13:13:52:3817 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes.
13:13:54:5028 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (firefox:2028) new client socket, port 64897.
13:17:17:6804 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes.
13:17:31:1822 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (firefox:2028) new client socket, port 65078.
13:17:33:6584 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:4084) new client socket, port 65070.
13:17:33:6584 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:4084) new client socket, port 65056.
13:17:33:6594 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:4084) new client socket, port 65071.
13:18:49:1507 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (firefox:2028) new client socket, port 65212.
13:19:43:9928 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes.
13:19:48:6961 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (firefox:2028) new client socket, port 65235.
13:21:36:5132 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes.
13:21:42:7826 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:4084) new client socket, port 65259.
13:21:42:8456 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:4084) new client socket, port 65260.
13:21:42:8466 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:4084) new client socket, port 65262.
13:21:42:8476 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:4084) new client socket, port 65263.
13:21:42:8476 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:4084) new client socket, port 65270.
13:21:42:8486 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:4084) new client socket, port 65272.
13:21:42:8496 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:4084) new client socket, port 65271.
13:21:42:8506 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:4084) new client socket, port 65273.
13:21:42:8506 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:4084) new client socket, port 65274.
13:21:42:8516 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:4084) new client socket, port 65276.
13:21:42:8526 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:4084) new client socket, port 65277.
13:21:42:8536 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:4084) new client socket, port 65278.
13:21:42:8536 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:4084) new client socket, port 65279.
13:21:42:8546 [Fiddler] No HTTP request was received from (chrome:4084) new client socket, port 65280.
13:21:45:1467 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes.
13:25:49:9077 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes.
13:25:49:9087 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes.
13:29:29:3773 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes.
13:29:29:6093 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes.
13:29:29:9363 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes.
13:29:29:9373 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes.
13:29:29:9963 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes.
13:29:30:0563 HTTPSLint> Warning: ClientHello record was 508 bytes long. Some servers have problems with ClientHello's greater than 255 bytes.
Justo despues de instalar "Descartes" es cuando tira el error.

Probe con el java desactualizado, no se que version tenia, creo que la 1.5, luego actualice a 1.7 y seguia en las mismas.

Firefox y crome, ambos el mismo error.

Probare con el debugger que me recomiendas.

Muchas gracias david, te enrrollas ;)

Acabo de limpiar todo otra ves, reiniciar java y comprobar todo por si acaso, sigo en las mismas.

He puesto el sitio web en las exepciones de java para que omita la seguridad que es la solucion que mas se lee, pero como que no le afecta, que hay alguna restriccion con mas prioridad. Alguna sugerencia?

Gracias por las molestias david.
Estoy intentando ayudar a un amigo para que haga la tarea online y se me torna complicado abrir la applet.

En la pestaña "autoevaulacion" de esa url esta la aplicacion.

He puesto esa url en las exepciones de sitios web de java y del explorador. He bajado la seguridad a media de java. He aceptado los mensajes de advertencia y demas, pero me sigue tirando error, concretamente:

Bad applet class name

Y esto es lo que me dice la consola cuando tira el error.

Java Plugin
Usando versión de JRE 1.7.0_55-b14 Java HotSpot(TM) Client VM
Directorio de inicio del usuario = C:\Users\Auxi
c:   borrar ventana de consola
f:   finalizar objetos en la cola de finalización
g:   recopilación de basura
h:   mostrar este mensaje de ayuda
l:   volcar lista de classloader
m:   imprimir uso de memoria
o:   disparar registro
q:   ocultar consola
r:   recargar configuración de política
s:   volcar propiedades del sistema y de despliegue
t:   volcar lista de threads
v:   volcar pila de threads
x:   borrar caché de classloader
0-5: definir nivel de rastreo en <n>