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Mensajes - charly031285

hola, estoy armando en server de testeo pero estoy trabado ya q cuando le hago click a mangosd  se abre y se cierra en un instante y me sale este error:

008-09-05 13:44:10 ERROR:SQL: UPDATE `character` SET `online` = 0
2008-09-05 13:44:10 ERROR:SQL ERROR: Table 'mangos.character' doesn't exist
2008-09-05 13:44:10 Using DataDir ./
2008-09-05 13:44:10 ERROR:SQL: DELETE FROM `corpse` WHERE `bones_flag` = '1'
2008-09-05 13:44:10 ERROR:SQL ERROR: Table 'mangos.corpse' doesn't exist
2008-09-05 13:44:10 Initialize data stores...
2008-09-05 13:44:10 ERROR:
Some required *.dbc files (19 from 31) not found or not compatible:
./dbc/AreaTable.dbc (exist, but have 35 fields instead 27) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/BattlemasterList.dbc (exist, but have 33 fields instead 24) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/ChrClasses.dbc (exist, but have 58 fields instead 18) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/ChrRaces.dbc (exist, but have 69 fields instead 27) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/CreatureFamily.dbc (exist, but have 26 fields instead 18) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/Faction.dbc (exist, but have 53 fields instead 37) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/ItemDisplayInfo.dbc (exist, but have 25 fields instead 23) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/ItemExtendedCost.dbc (exist, but have 14 fields instead 13) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/ItemRandomProperties.dbc (exist, but have 24 fields instead 16) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/ItemSet.dbc (exist, but have 53 fields instead 45) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/Map.dbc (exist, but have 125 fields instead 75) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/SkillLine.dbc (exist, but have 38 fields instead 22) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/Spell.dbc (exist, but have 216 fields instead 179) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/SpellItemEnchantment.dbc (exist, but have 34 fields instead 26) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/SpellRange.dbc (exist, but have 38 fields instead 22) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/TalentTab.dbc (exist, but have 23 fields instead 15) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/TaxiNodes.dbc (exist, but have 24 fields instead 16) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/TaxiPathNode.dbc (exist, but have 11 fields instead 9) Wrong client version DBC file?
./dbc/WorldSafeLocs.dbc (exist, but have 22 fields instead 14) Wrong client version DBC file?

alguien sabe q es??