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Mensajes - iAssassin

Yo uso Pascal y Modula-2. En Agosto arranco con C y C++.
Programación General / Re: Curso Pascal de Facultad
7 Septiembre 2011, 19:28 PM
Cita de: $Edu$ en  6 Septiembre 2011, 21:31 PM
Estas en primer año vos?

Si, en el segundo semestre.
Programación General / Re: Curso Pascal de Facultad
6 Septiembre 2011, 18:34 PM
Cita de: $Edu$ en  3 Septiembre 2011, 20:59 PM
De lujo, soy de uruguay e ire a la universidad publica dentro de 1 año y medio xD, dices que ese curso es el que dejan para que estudien? es decir, si me leo eso es lo mejor que puedo hacer no?

Si, eso es el curso de Programación 1 que dan los profesores. Si te lo aprendes ahora cuando lo tengas que dar vas a estar del otro lado.
Programación General / Curso Pascal de Facultad
3 Septiembre 2011, 06:58 AM
Buenas, subo un curso de Pascal de la Universidad de la Republica de Uruguay. Espero que les sirva. Es Teórico y Práctico. Es un curso de introducción a la programación imperativa, basado en el lenguaje Pascal.

Introducción a la programación de computadores.
Lenguajes de programación, generalidades. El lenguaje Pascal.
Identificadores, constantes y variables.
Tipos de datos simples. Enteros, reales, booleanos y caracteres.
Instrucción de asignación y expresiones aritméticas.
Entrada y salida.
Instrucciones de control
Procedimientos y Funciones.
Alcance de identificadores. Variables locales y globales
Tipos de datos definidos por el programador.
   Elementales: enumerados, subrangos.
   Estructurados: arreglos, registros, conjuntos, registros con variante.
Estudios de Caso. Búsqueda, Ordenación.

Free Pascal
Bajar el programa Acá
Instrucciones de como instalarlo Acá


Presentación. Componentes Básicos
Clase 1

Entrada y Salida de Datos
Clase 2

Secuencia y Selección.
Clase 3

Repetición: Instrucción for.
Clase 4

Repetición Condicional. Instrucciones while y repeat
Clase 5

Repetición. Ejemplos Avanzados.
Clase 6

Subrangos y Arreglos.
Clase 7

Suprogramas: Procedimientos y Funciones. Alcance de Identificadores
Clase 8

Reglas de alcance. Recursión.
Clase 9

Enumerados y Conjuntos.
Clase 10

Registros con variante. Array con tope.
Clase 11

Clase 12

Búsqueda y Ordenación.
Clase 13

Memoria Dinámica. Tipo Puntero.
Clase 14


Componentes Básicos
Clase 1

Entrada y Salida
Clase 2

Clase 3

Repetición for
Clase 4

Repetición while y repeat
Clase 5

Repetición avanzada
Clase 6

Clase 7

Procedimientos y Funciones
Clase 8

Clase 9

Registros, conjuntos, subrangos
Clase 10

Registros con variante. Arreglo con tope
Clase 11

Estructuras dinámicas. Tipo puntero
Clase 12

Soluciones comentadas
Clase 13

Ejercicios / Re: Ejercicios tipo test Pascal
3 Septiembre 2011, 06:17 AM
Acá tenes bastantes parciales y examenes de Pascal

.NET (C#, VB.NET, ASP) / C# 3.0 Cookbook
30 Julio 2010, 00:30 AM

Jay Hilyard, Stephen Teilhet "C# 3.0 Cookbook"
O'Reilly Media, Inc. | 2008-01-11 | ISBN: 059651610X | 886 pages | PDF | 2,7 Mb

Completely updated for C# 3.0 and the .NET 3.5 platform, the new edition of this bestseller offers more than 250 code recipes to common and not-so-common problems that C# programmers face every day. Every recipe in the book has been reconsidered with more than a third of them rewritten to take advantage of new C# 3.0 features. If you prefer solutions you can use today to general C# language instruction, and quick answers to theory, this is your book. C# 3.0 Cookbook offers a new chapter on LINQ (language integrated query), plus two expanded chapters for recipes for extension methods, lambda functions, object initializers, new synchronization primitives and more. The new edition is also complemented by a public wiki, which not only includes all of the C# 2.0 recipes from the previous edition unchanged by the release of C# 3.0, but invites you to suggest better ways to solve those tasks. Here are some of topics covered: LINQ Numeric data types and Enumerations Strings and characters Classes and structures Generics Collections Exception handling Delegates, events, and lambda expressions Filesystem interactions Web site access XML usage (including LINQ to XML, XPath and XSLT) Networking Threading Data Structures & Algorithms Each recipe in the book includes tested code that you can download from and reuse in your own applications, and each one includes a detailed discussion of how and why the underling technology works. You don't have to be an experienced C# or .NET developer to use C# 3.0 Cookbook. You just have to be someone who wants to solve a problem now, without having to learn all the related theory first



Jack Purdum "Beginning C# 3.0: An Introduction to Object Oriented Programming"
Wrox | 2008-05-12 | ISBN: 0470261293 | PDF | 523 pages | 9,1 MB

Beginning C# is a book that offers a lot of guidance, in a format that readers find intuitive to follow. The exercise-based format of the Wrox Beginning series has a strong following by all levels of readers, and is one that works very well in the classroom or home. Written by a veteran programming instructor, this is the perfect mix of tutorial, and hands-on coding new programmers are looking for - written from their point of view.
Beginning C# is written for those readers with no prior programming experience who want a thorough, yet easy to understand, introduction to C# and Object Oriented Programming. Dr. Purdum uses his 25 years of teaching experience to teach readers:
The C# syntax and concepts of Object Oriented Programming
How to design and write C# programs that are functional and embody safe programming practices
Tried and true tricks of the trade, from design concepts to debugging aids
And all of these goals are done in an easy-to-read and enjoyable manner
and much more. Complete source code, examples, and discussion forms available at


Apache, MySQL, and PHP Weekend Crash Course

Steven M. Schafer - Apache, MySQL, and PHP Weekend Crash Course

2003 | Pages: 480 | PDF | 5.32 MB


Get up to speed on Apache, MySQL, and PHP - in a weekend!

The big day is Monday. The day you get to show off what you know about Apache Web server, MySQL database, and PHP scripting. The problem is, you're not really up to speed. Maybe it's been a while since you installed all three of these technologies. Perhaps you've never used Apache, MySQL, and PHP together. Or maybe you just like a challenge. In any event, we've got a solution for you - Apache, MySQL, and PHP Weekend Crash Course. Open the book Friday evening and on Sunday afternoon, after completing 30 fast, focused sessions, you'll be able to dive right in and begin building dynamic, data-driven sites on either Windows or Linux with all three integrated technologies.
PHP / PHP and MySQL Web Development
21 Julio 2009, 20:23 PM
PHP and MySQL Web Development

PHP and MySQL Web Development, Second Edition

912 pages | 2003 | PDF | 7 MB


PHP and MySQL Web Development teaches the reader to develop dynamic, secure, commercial Web sites. Using the same accessible, popular teaching style of the first edition, this best-selling book has been updated to reflect the rapidly changing landscape of MySQL and PHP.

The book teaches the reader to integrate and implement these technologies by following real-world examples and working sample projects, and also covers related technologies needed to build a commercial Web site, such as SSL, shopping carts, and payment systems.

The second edition includes new coverage of how to work with XML in developing a PHP and MySQL site, and how to draw on the valuable resources of the PEAR repository of code and extensions.
PHP / Making Use of PHP
21 Julio 2009, 19:34 PM
Making Use of PHP

Making Use of PHP

352 pages | 2002 | PDF | 2 Mb


PHP has an edge over locked-in solutions such as JSP and ASP for most Web development work because it is a cross-platform technology. Surveys indicate that PHP is rapidly becoming the most widely used Web scripting language and PHP skills are now considered essential for many Web developers.
* Explains why PHP is easier to learn than Perl or javascript and how it is useful in server-side development and administration tasks
* Offers guidance to fully utilizing the possibilities of PHP
* Enables Web designers and others with HTML skills to quickly gain essential abilities for site administration and content development