Cita de: Novlucker en 7 Diciembre 2012, 13:23 PM
Explica como crear fácilmente una DLL nativa que "hostee" el CLR, de ese modo inyectas (usando el método que prefieras) la DLL en el proceso que quieras, y será esta la encargada de ejecutar tu código C#
Código [Seleccionar]
// Sample application for remote process injection. Spawns a process and injects itself into it.
#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>
int is_injected = 0;
// this module base. this will be properly set even in the injected process, inject() takes care of that
HMODULE hmodule;
// PID to the original process we were injected from
DWORD parent_pid;
// this is just a buffer to keep an image of the executable at point of entry; before the crt is initialized and before main is called
char*image_mem = 0;
DWORD image_size = 0;
// take an image of the process
// do not use any CRT functions here, since it's not initialized yet
void take_image() {
char*p = (char*)hmodule;
PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS nt = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)(p + dos->e_lfanew);
// find first section...
int n_sections = nt->FileHeader.NumberOfSections;
// find last section
DWORD begin = (DWORD)p;
DWORD end = begin + section[n_sections-1].VirtualAddress + section[n_sections-1].Misc.VirtualSize;
// any memory allocation function that does not use the CRT will do (that excludes malloc)
image_mem=(char*)VirtualAlloc(0,image_size,MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_READWRITE);
// copy all the memory from the beginning of the module to the end of the last section
// copy from src in this process to dst in the image
// use to set a variable or memory area in the image before injection
void image_set(const void*dst,const void*src,size_t size) {
DWORD offset = (DWORD)dst - ((DWORD)hmodule);
memcpy(image_mem + offset,src,size);
// easy way to "copy" a variable or memory area over to the image
void image_copy(const void*p,size_t size) {
// this goes through the Import Address Table and loads all the imports
// essentially the same as Windows does upon loading a module
// note that it just silently ignores errors, so if it fails to load a module, the process might crash later
// this function is provided only for completeness, and I do not recommend using it
void do_iat() {
const char*p = (const char*)hmodule;
PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS nt = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)(p + dos->e_lfanew);
while (import->Characteristics) {
HMODULE hm = LoadLibraryA(p+import->Name);
if (hm) {
DWORD*dw = (DWORD*)(p+import->OriginalFirstThunk);
int i;
for (i=0;*dw;i++) {
if (*dw&0x80000000) proc=GetProcAddress(hm,(LPCSTR)(*dw&&0xFFFF)); // load by ordinal
else proc=GetProcAddress(hm,p+*dw+2); // load by name
if (proc) {
*((FARPROC*)(p+import->FirstThunk)+i) = proc; // set the value in the bound IAT
} else {
// failed to load proc
} else {
// failed to load module
// just to be compatible with C, we wrap these in ifdefs
// mainCRTStartup and start need to have C symbol names
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
void mainCRTStartup();
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
void start() {
hmodule = GetModuleHandle(0);
// take image before CRT is initialized
void injected_start() {
is_injected = 1;
// uncomment next line if you want to be able to inject into further processes
// take_image()
// fix up the IAT
// I would actually recommend not doing this, instead only use functions from kernel32, which is guaranteed to be loaded in every process (and at the same address, to boot)
// but, for completeness, I've included it here
void inject(HANDLE h_proc) {
char*p = (char*)hmodule;
PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS nt = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)(p + dos->e_lfanew);
DWORD begin = (DWORD)p;
DWORD end = begin + image_size;
int start_offset = (ptrdiff_t)&injected_start - begin; // offset of the entry point for the injected code
// allocate memory in the target process for the image
if (!mem) {
fprintf(stderr,"VirtualAllocEx failed; error %d",GetLastError());
// now we must do base relocation, since we are probably loading the code in a different memory area then where we took the image from :)
// this is essentially the same thing Windows does whenever loading a module in a different location than it's desired base address
// the executable must be linked with a relocation section, otherwise it will crash bad after injecting
// the relocation section is basically a list of IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION entries
// each entry has a virtual address and then a list of WORDs
// the top 4 bits of each WORD specify a relocation type, and the bottom 12 specify an offset
// (for x86, all base relocations are of type IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW)
// each offset should be added to the virtual address of the IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION to get the address of a DWORD
// subtract begin from that DWORD and add mem, and the relocation is done
while (reloc->VirtualAddress) {
DWORD d = (DWORD)(p + reloc->VirtualAddress);
PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION next = (PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION)((char*)reloc + reloc->SizeOfBlock);
WORD*w = (WORD*)(reloc+1);
while ((char*)w<(char*)next) {
if (*w>>12 == IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW) {
DWORD d2 = d + (*w&0xFFF);
if (d2>=begin&&d2<end) {
DWORD*d = (DWORD*)(d2 - begin + (DWORD)image_mem);
*d -= begin - (DWORD)mem;
reloc = next;
// calling GetModuleHandle(0) from the injected code would return the module of the target process,
// so we set hmodule in the image to the target memory here
// write it into the allocated memory in the target process!
if (!WriteProcessMemory(h_proc,mem,image_mem,image_size,0)) {
fprintf(stderr,"WriteProcessMemory failed; %d",GetLastError());
// create the remote thread...
HANDLE h=CreateRemoteThread(h_proc,NULL,0,(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)(mem+start_offset),0,0,0);
if (!h) {
fprintf(stderr,"CreateRemoteThread failed; error %d",GetLastError());
// ...and the rest is up to fate
//#pragma comment(lib,"ws2_32.lib")
//#include <winsock.h>
int main() {
char resultado;
if (is_injected) {
// if the process we are injected into is not a console process, then we need to allocate one
printf("Resultado de la suma: %i\n",resultado);
// uncomment (along with the 2 lines above main) to demonstrate the IAT loading;
// this will crash if you comment out do_iat() in injected_start, and inject into a process which does not load ws2_32.dll
// if all is well, socket should return -1
//printf("socket is %d\n",socket(0,0,0));
// if we return from main, the CRT will call exit, and the target process will terminate
// so we can either call ExitThread here, or loop forever.
// naturally, if main doesn't exit properly, the CRT won't exit properly either, so things like destructors for global c++ objects won't be called
//while (1) Sleep(100);
} else {
// It might be desired to create the process in a suspended state, inject, and then resume the process
// this is unnecessary for this test
si.cb = sizeof(si);
CreateProcessA(0 , "notepad",0,0,0,0,0,0,&si,&pi);
// set parent_pid and copy it over to the image
parent_pid = GetCurrentProcessId();
printf("%i ",pi.hProcess);
return 0;
Esto es exactamente lo que quiero hacer.
La cosa es que solo me funciona con notepad...
puedes guiarme o decirme ejemplo en