Muchas gracias Debci!
Muchas gracias Debci!
Esta sección te permite ver todos los mensajes escritos por este usuario. Ten en cuenta que sólo puedes ver los mensajes escritos en zonas a las que tienes acceso en este momento.
Mostrar Mensajes MenúAdd(ByRef Item As Variant, Optional ByVal Index As Long)
Contains(ByRef Item As Variant, Optional ByVal StartIndex As Long = 1)
Item(ByVal Index As Long)
DeleteItem(ByVal Index As Long)
SwapItem(ByVal ActualIndex As Long, ByVal DestinationIndex As Long)
Sorted(Optional ByVal Order As EnuListOrder = DecendentOrder) ' by BlackZeroX
Option Explicit
Option Base 1
' º Class : cCollectionEx.cls
' º Author : Psyke1
' º Mail :
' º Date : 17/8/10
' º Last modified : 01/06/12
' º Purpose : Replace and improve the vb6 Collection Object
' º Greets : BlackZer0x & xkiz
' º Sorted by BlackZer0x :
' º Recommended Websites :
Private Declare Sub RtlMoveMemory Lib "ntdll.dll" (ByVal pDest As Long, ByVal pSrc As Long, ByVal lBytes As Long)
Public Enum EnuListOrder
AcendetOrder = 0
DecendentOrder = 1
End Enum
Private vColl() As Variant
Private lCount As Long
Private lLimit As Long
Private ReverseMode As Boolean
'// Inizialice the matrix.
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
lLimit = &H400
ReDim vColl(lLimit)
End Sub
'// It returns the number of items contained in the matrix.
Public Property Get Count() As Long
Count = lCount
End Property
'// It returns an specific item form there index.
Public Property Get Item(ByVal Index As Long) As Variant
If ReverseMode Then FixIndex Index
Item = vColl(Index)
End Property
'// It returns the index of an item if exists in the matrix.
Public Function Contains(ByRef Item As Variant, Optional ByVal StartIndex As Long = 1) As Long
Dim Q As Long
If (StartIndex < lCount) And (StartIndex > 0) Then
For Q = StartIndex To lCount
If vColl(Q) = Item Then
If ReverseMode Then
Contains = lCount + 1 - Q
Contains = Q
End If
Exit Function
End If
End If
End Function
'// Add a new item to the cCollection, if you specify the index so you can add in a particular position.
Public Function Add(ByRef Item As Variant, Optional ByVal Index As Long) As Long
If IsObject(Item) = False Then
If ReverseMode Then FixIndex Index
lCount = lCount + 1
If lCount > lLimit Then
lLimit = lLimit + lLimit
ReDim Preserve vColl(lLimit)
End If
If Index > 0 And Index <= lCount Then
RtlMoveMemory VarPtr(vColl(Index + 1)), VarPtr(vColl(Index)), (lCount - Index) * 16&
Add = Index
Add = lCount
End If
vColl(Add) = Item
End If
End Function
'// Delete an specific item from its index.
Public Function DeleteItem(ByVal Index As Long) As Long
If (Index > 0) And (Index <= lCount) Then
If ReverseMode Then FixIndex Index
If (Index < lCount) Then
RtlMoveMemory VarPtr(vColl(Index)), VarPtr(vColl(Index + 1)), (lCount - Index) * 16&
End If
If (lCount - 1) > 0 Then
lCount = lCount - 1
End If
DeleteItem = Index
End If
End Function
'// Swaps the contents of two items entering its index.
Public Function SwapItem(ByVal FirstIndex As Long, ByVal DestIndex As Long) As Long
Dim vSwap As Variant
If (FirstIndex <= lCount And FirstIndex > 0) And (DestIndex <= lCount And DestIndex > 0) And (FirstIndex <> DestIndex) Then
If ReverseMode Then
FixIndex FirstIndex
FixIndex DestinationIndex
End If
vSwap = vColl(FirstIndex)
vColl(FirstIndex) = vColl(DestIndex)
vColl(DestIndex) = vSwap
SwapItem = DestIndex
End If
End Function
'// Reverse all Items.
Public Sub Reverse()
ReverseMode = Not ReverseMode
End Sub
'// Deletes all items.
Public Sub Clear()
Erase vColl
lCount = 0&
End Sub
'// To simplify code, it's to reverse the index.
Private Sub FixIndex(ByRef lIndex As Long)
lIndex = lCount + 1 - lIndex
End Sub
'// Sort items alphanumerically and you can specify the order too [desdendent or ascendent].
Public Sub Sorted(Optional ByVal Order As EnuListOrder = DecendentOrder)
If (Not (vColl)) = -1 Then Exit Sub
Call QSort(1, lCount, Order)
End Sub
Private Sub QSort(ByVal lb As Long, ByVal ub As Long, Optional ByVal Order As EnuListOrder = DecendentOrder)
Dim k As Long
If lb < ub Then
Call PreSort(lb, ub, k, Order)
Call QSort(lb, k - 1, Order)
Call QSort(k + 1, ub, Order)
End If
End Sub
Private Sub PreSort(ByVal lb As Long, ByVal ub As Long, ByRef k As Long, Optional ByVal Order As EnuListOrder = DecendentOrder)
Dim i As Long
Dim j As Long
Dim il As Long
Dim jl As Long
il = 0: jl = -1
i = lb: j = ub
While i < j
If Order = DecendentOrder Then
If IsNumeric(vColl(i)) And IsNumeric(vColl(j)) Then
If Val(vColl(i)) > Val(vColl(j)) Then Call AuxOrden(i, j, il, jl)
If vColl(i) > vColl(j) Then Call AuxOrden(i, j, il, jl)
End If
If IsNumeric(vColl(i)) And IsNumeric(vColl(j)) Then
If Val(vColl(i)) < Val(vColl(j)) Then Call AuxOrden(i, j, il, jl)
If vColl(i) < vColl(j) Then Call AuxOrden(i, j, il, jl)
End If
End If
i = i + il
j = j + jl
k = i
End Sub
Private Sub AuxOrden(ByVal i As Long, ByVal j As Long, ByVal il As Long, ByVal jl As Long)
Dim c As String
Dim c2 As Long
c = vColl(j)
vColl(j) = vColl(i)
vColl(i) = c
c2 = il
il = -jl
jl = -c2
End Sub
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetTickCount Lib "Kernel32" () As Long
' Con Collection
Public Function Check_Lucky_Number(ByVal lNumber As Long) As Boolean
Dim cTemp As New Collection
Dim NextElim As Long
Dim m As Long
Dim x As Long
If lNumber = 1 Or lNumber = 3 Then
GoTo IsLucky
ElseIf (lNumber > 1) And (lNumber Mod 2 <> 0) Then
With cTemp
For x = 1 To lNumber Step 2
.Add x
NextElim = 3: m = 2
x = NextElim
Do While x <= .Count
.Remove (x)
x = x + (NextElim - 1)
If .Item(.Count) = lNumber Then
m = m + 1
NextElim = .Item(m)
Exit Function
End If
Loop While Not NextElim > .Count
End With
IsLucky: Check_Lucky_Number = True
End If
End Function
' Con cCollectionEx
Public Function Check_Lucky_Number2(ByVal lNumber As Long) As Boolean
Dim cTemp As New cCollectionEx
Dim NextElim As Long
Dim m As Long
Dim x As Long
If lNumber = 1 Or lNumber = 3 Then
GoTo IsLucky
ElseIf (lNumber > 1) And (lNumber Mod 2 <> 0) Then
With cTemp
For x = 1 To lNumber Step 2
.Add x
NextElim = 3: m = 2
x = NextElim
Do While x <= .Count
Call .DeleteItem(x)
x = x + (NextElim - 1)
If .Item(.Count) = lNumber Then
m = m + 1
NextElim = .Item(m)
Exit Function
End If
Loop While Not NextElim > .Count
End With
IsLucky: Check_Lucky_Number2 = True
End If
End Function
Private Sub Form_Load()
Dim T1 As Long
Dim T2 As Long
Dim x As Long
Dim sResult As String
If App.LogMode = 0 Then
MsgBox "Prueba con proyecto compilado¡!", vbCritical
End If
T1 = GetTickCount
For x = 5000 To 7000
If Check_Lucky_Number(x) Then
sResult = sResult & x & " "
End If
T2 = GetTickCount
MsgBox "With Collection -> " & (T2 - T1)
MsgBox sResult
sResult = ""
T1 = GetTickCount
For x = 5000 To 7000
If Check_Lucky_Number2(x) Then
sResult = sResult & x & " "
End If
T2 = GetTickCount
MsgBox "With cCollectionEx -> " & (T2 - T1)
MsgBox sResult
End Sub
For i = LBound(x) To UBound(x)
Msgbox x(i).sMail & " - " & x(i).sPassword
Next i
Cita de: raul338 en 19 Agosto 2010, 20:10 PMVaya raul...
Ya esta leandro, pedile a Tokes a ver si con su magia hace algo para optimizar
Yo lo logre con Expresiones regulares, pero, tarda un poco mas (usando FSO) y la pega es que no acepta UTF-8 directo (o sea, hay q convertir feamente u.u)
CitarTokes: 128,759 msec
[D4N93R]: 10.388,359 msec
Raul338: 308,872 msec
Novlucker : 131,863 msec
BlackZeroX (v 2): 96,643 msec
BlackZeroX (v 3): 35,655 msec
Cita de: [D4N93R] en 19 Agosto 2010, 01:32 AM
Visual Basic sucks.. xD
CitarSi alguien gusta hacerle alguna modiicación ¡Adelante!Si, yo si se la voy ha hacer, aqui esta:
Private Function EsNumLychrel5b(ByVal num As Long, ByRef numeroFinal As Double, Optional ByVal iteraciones As Long = 50) As Boolean
Dim n As Double, nrev As Double
If num And &H80000000 Then Exit Function
n = num
Do While iteraciones > 0
nrev = dblReverse(n)
If n = nrev Then
numeroFinal = n
Exit Function
End If
n = n + nrev
iteraciones = iteraciones - 1
nrev = dblReverse(n)
If n = nrev Then Exit Function
EsNumLychrel5b = True
numeroFinal = n
End Function