Cita de: R@mi en 9 Febrero 2011, 15:50 PMNo respondas por responder
el $ significa que debolverá un string, creo
Si leyeras los posta anteriores te hubieras dado cuenta de que la pregunta ya esta contestada.
Esta sección te permite ver todos los mensajes escritos por este usuario. Ten en cuenta que sólo puedes ver los mensajes escritos en zonas a las que tienes acceso en este momento.
Mostrar Mensajes MenúCita de: R@mi en 9 Febrero 2011, 15:50 PMNo respondas por responder
el $ significa que debolverá un string, creo
Cita de: BlackZeroX▓▓▒▒░░ en 7 Febrero 2011, 21:06 PM1.-Puse lo del Form porque pensé que sería más simple y cómodo, tambien puedes hacer una clase vacía como tú dices.
Por fin lo liberas.
Aun que el punto de que se necesita al menos un por form en el proyecto , eso no es del todo cierto se puede tener trantilamente un sub main() que cargue una clase y la misma llame a esta clase para su implementación.
* Las propiedades deberias bloquearlas si es que ya se llamo a el proceso TestIt()
* Me gusto la simplificacion de la funcio CallByNameEx
* Antes de hacer los test deberias hacer una comrovacion de llamar a las funciones si es que existen, y si cumplen la cantidad de parametros minimos, es decir Antes de hacer los test esto para evitar hacer llamadas innesesarias.
P.D.: Te falto la referencia de TLI.TLIApplication
Temibles Lunas!¡.
Option Explicit
Option Base 0
' º Class : cFrogContest.cls
' º Version : 1.1
' º Author : Mr.Frog ©
' º Country : Spain
' º Mail :
' º Date : 03/02/2011
' º Last mod : 12/02/2011
' º Twitter :!/PsYkE1
' º Dedicated : Karcrack, BlackZer0x & Raul338
' º References :
' º Recommended Websites :
' http://InfrAngeluX.Sytes.Net
Private Declare Function SafeArrayGetDim Lib "oleaut32" (ByRef vArray() As Any) As Long
Private Declare Function PathIsDirectoryA Lib "shlwapi" (ByVal pszPath As String) As Long
Private Declare Sub RtlMoveMemory Lib "kernel32" (Destination As Any, Source As Any, ByVal Length As Long)
Private Declare Function QueryPerformanceCounter Lib "kernel32" (lpPerformanceCount As LARGE_INTEGER) As Long
Private Declare Function QueryPerformanceFrequency Lib "kernel32" (lpFrequency As LARGE_INTEGER) As Long
Private Declare Function ShellExecute Lib "shell32" Alias "ShellExecuteA" (ByVal hwnd As Long, ByVal lpOperation As String, ByVal lpFile As String, ByVal lpParameters As String, ByVal lpDirectory As String, ByVal nShowCmd As Long) As Long
Private Declare Function SHGetPathFromIDListA Lib "shell32" (ByVal pidl As Long, ByVal szPath As String) As Long
Private Declare Function SHGetSpecialFolderLocation Lib "shell32" (ByVal hwndOwner As Long, ByVal nFolder As Integer, ppidl As Long) As Long
'// Types
Name As String
Duration As Double
End Type
LowPart As Long
HighPart As Long
End Type
'// Constants
Private Const MAX_PATH As Long = &H100
Private Const SW_MAXIMIZE As Long = &H3
Private Const OVERHEAD_TEST As Long = &HC8
Private Const CSIDL_DESKTOP As Long = &H0
'// Variables
Private myFunction() As TEST_FUNCTION
Private dblOverHead As Double
Private curTimeFreq As Currency
Private oTLI As Object
Private myObj As Object
Private bolRet As Boolean
Private bolArgs As Boolean
Private bolError As Boolean
Private bolReplace As Boolean
Private bolNotCompiled As Boolean
Private lngUBRet As Long
Private lngUBound As Long
Private lngNumberLoops As Long
Private strLine As String
Private strLine2 As String
Private strArguments As String
Private strFunction() As String
Private strDirSaveTest As String
Private strContestName As String
Private srtExplanation As String
Private varRet As Variant
Private varResult As Variant
Private varRevArgs() As Variant
Private liStop As LARGE_INTEGER
Private liStart As LARGE_INTEGER
Private liFrequency As LARGE_INTEGER
' ~~~~~~~> Public Properties <~~~~~~~
Friend Property Let ContestName(ByRef ContestName As String)
strContestName = ContestName
End Property
Friend Property Let Explanation(ByRef Explanation As String)
srtExplanation = Explanation
End Property
Friend Sub SetObject(OneObject As Object)
Set myObj = OneObject
End Sub
Friend Sub Functions(ByRef Functions As String, Optional ByRef Delimiter As String = ",")
' * Important : All the functions must be public.
strFunction = Split(Functions, Delimiter)
lngUBound = UBound(strFunction)
End Sub
Friend Sub Arguments(ParamArray Arguments() As Variant)
Dim lngTotalItems As Long
Dim Q As Long
If Not IsMissing(Arguments) Then
lngTotalItems = UBound(Arguments)
strArguments = Join$(Arguments, ", ")
ReDim varRevArgs(lngTotalItems) As Variant
For Q = 0 To lngTotalItems
varRevArgs(Q) = Arguments(lngTotalItems - Q)
Next Q
bolArgs = True
End If
End Sub
Friend Property Let ReplaceFile(ByVal ReplaceIt As Boolean)
bolReplace = ReplaceIt
End Property
Friend Property Let NumberOfLoops(ByVal Times As Long)
lngNumberLoops = Times
End Property
Friend Property Let Result(ByRef Result As Variant)
' * Important : It doesn't support multidimensional arrays or objects.
Dim lngLBound As Long
Dim Q As Long
Select Case VarType(Result)
Case vbDataObject, vbEmpty, vbNull, vbObject, vbUserDefinedType
Exit Property
Case Else
If IsArray(Result) Then
lngUBRet = UBound(Result)
If VarType(Result) = vbArray + vbString Then
varResult = Join$(Result)
lngLBound = LBound(Result)
If lngLBound Then
lngUBRet = lngUBRet - lngLBound
ReDim varResult(lngUBRet) As Variant
For Q = 0 To lngUBRet
varResult(Q) = Result(Q + lngLBound)
Next Q
varResult = Result
End If
End If
varResult = Result
End If
End Select
bolRet = True
End Property
Friend Property Let SaveDirectory(ByRef DirPath As String)
If PathIsDirectoryA(DirPath) Then
strDirSaveTest = DirPath
strDirSaveTest = GetDesktopPath
End If
If Not (Right$(strDirSaveTest, 1) = "\") Then
strDirSaveTest = strDirSaveTest & "\"
End If
End Property
' ~~~~~~~> Public Functions & Procedures <~~~~~~~
Friend Sub TestIt()
Dim dblTmpDuration As Double
Dim colError As New Collection
Dim colErrCall As New Collection
Dim strFName As String
Dim bolWrong As Boolean
Dim ff As Integer
Dim Q As Long
Dim C As Long
If SafeArrayGetDim(strFunction) And Not (myObj Is Nothing) Then
If LenB(strContestName) = 0 Then strContestName = "Test"
If LenB(srtExplanation) = 0 Then srtExplanation = "-"
If lngNumberLoops < 1 Then lngNumberLoops = 1
For Q = 0 To lngUBound
strFName = strFunction(Q)
varRet = CallByNameEx(strFName)
dblTmpDuration = GetTiming
If bolRet Then
bolWrong = IsWrongResult
End If
If bolWrong Or bolError Then
If bolError Or (bolWrong And bolError) Then
bolError = False
colErrCall.Add strFName
Debug.Print "Error Call :", strFName
ElseIf bolWrong Then
colError.Add strFName
Debug.Print "Error result :", strFName
End If
lngUBound = lngUBound - 1
If lngUBound = -1 Then GoTo JumpSpeedTest
ReDim Preserve myFunction(C) As TEST_FUNCTION
With myFunction(C)
.Name = strFName
.Duration = dblTmpDuration
End With
C = C + 1
End If
Next Q
If lngNumberLoops > 1 Then
For Q = 0 To lngUBound
With myFunction(Q)
For C = 2 To lngNumberLoops
CallByNameEx .Name
Next C
.Duration = GetTiming + .Duration
End With
Next Q
End If
Call BubbleSort
strDirSaveTest = Left$(strDirSaveTest, InStrRev(strDirSaveTest, "\"))
strDirSaveTest = strDirSaveTest & strContestName & ".txt"
ff = FreeFile
If bolReplace Then
Open strDirSaveTest For Output As #ff
Open strDirSaveTest For Append As #ff
End If
Print #ff, strLine
Print #ff, "º Contest Name : "; strContestName
Print #ff, "º Explanation : "; srtExplanation
Print #ff, "º Arguments : "; strArguments
Print #ff, "º Loops : "; CStr(lngNumberLoops)
Print #ff, "º Date & Hour : "; Date$; " <-> "; Time$
Print #ff, strLine
If lngUBound > -1 Then
Print #ff, "Results "; IIf(bolNotCompiled, "[not ", "["); "compiled] :"
Print #ff, strLine2
For Q = 0 To lngUBound
With myFunction(Q)
Print #ff, CStr(Q + 1); ".- "; .Name, , , "-> "; Format$(.Duration * 1000, "#0.000000"); " msec"
End With
Next Q
End If
With colErrCall
If .Count Then
Print #ff, strLine
Print #ff, "º The following calls are wrong :"
Print #ff, strLine2
For Q = 1 To .Count
Print #ff, CStr(Q); ".- "; .Item(Q)
Next Q
End If
End With
With colError
If bolRet And .Count Then
Print #ff, strLine
Print #ff, "º The following functions returns incorrect results :"
Print #ff, strLine2
For Q = 1 To .Count
Print #ff, CStr(Q); ".- "; .Item(Q)
Next Q
End If
End With
Print #ff, strLine
Print #ff, ">>> Test made by cFrogContest.cls <-> Visit <<<"
Print #ff, strLine; vbCrLf
Close #ff
End If
End Sub
Friend Function ShowTest() As Long
ShowTest = ShellExecute(0, "Open", strDirSaveTest, vbNullString, vbNullString, SW_MAXIMIZE)
End Function
' ~~~~~~~> Private Functions & Procedures <~~~~~~~
Private Function CallByNameEx(ByRef strProcName As String) As Variant
Dim ProcID As Long
On Error GoTo Error_
ProcID = oTLI.InvokeID(myObj, strProcName)
If bolArgs Then
CallByNameEx = oTLI.InvokeHookArray(myObj, ProcID, VbMethod, varRevArgs)
CallByNameEx = oTLI.InvokeHook(myObj, ProcID, VbMethod)
End If
Exit Function
bolError = True
End Function
Private Function IsWrongResult() As Boolean
Dim lngLBound As Long
Dim Q As Long
If VarType(varRet) And vbArray Then
lngLBound = LBound(varRet)
If UBound(varRet) - lngLBound = lngUBRet Then
If VarType(varRet) = vbArray + vbString Then
IsWrongResult = (varResult = Join$(varRet))
For Q = 0 To lngUBRet
IsWrongResult = (varRet(Q + lngLBound) = varResult(Q))
If IsWrongResult Then Exit Function
Next Q
End If
End If
IsWrongResult = (varResult = varRet)
End If
IsWrongResult = Not IsWrongResult
End Function
Private Sub BubbleSort()
Dim lngLimit As Long
Dim Q As Long
Dim C As Long
lngLimit = lngUBound - 1
For Q = 0 To lngLimit
For C = 0 To lngLimit
If myFunction(C).Duration > myFunction(C + 1).Duration Then
SwapItem = myFunction(C)
myFunction(C) = myFunction(C + 1)
myFunction(C + 1) = SwapItem
End If
Next C
Next Q
End Sub
Private Function GetDesktopPath() As String
Dim lPidl As Long
GetDesktopPath = String$(MAX_PATH, vbNullChar)
SHGetSpecialFolderLocation &H0, CSIDL_DESKTOP, lPidl
SHGetPathFromIDListA lPidl, GetDesktopPath
GetDesktopPath = Left$(GetDesktopPath, InStrB(GetDesktopPath, vbNullChar) \ 2)
End Function
Private Sub ResetTimer()
QueryPerformanceCounter liStart
End Sub
Private Function GetTiming() As Double
QueryPerformanceCounter liStop
GetTiming = (LrgIntToCur(liStop) - LrgIntToCur(liStart) - dblOverHead) / curTimeFreq
End Function
Private Function LrgIntToCur(liInput As LARGE_INTEGER) As Currency
RtlMoveMemory LrgIntToCur, liInput, LenB(liInput)
End Function
Private Sub Class_Initialize()
Dim Q As Long
bolNotCompiled = (App.LogMode = 0)
If QueryPerformanceFrequency(liFrequency) = 0 Then
MsgBox "This PC doesn't support high-res timers", vbCritical, "Fatal Error"
ElseIf bolNotCompiled Then
MsgBox "Compile it to get real results!", vbCritical, "Advice"
End If
QueryPerformanceCounter liStop
Next Q
dblOverHead = (LrgIntToCur(liStop) - LrgIntToCur(liStart)) / OVERHEAD_TEST
Set oTLI = CreateObject("TLI.TLIApplication")
strLine = String$(80, "=")
strLine2 = String$(80, "~")
curTimeFreq = LrgIntToCur(liFrequency)
Debug.Print ">>> Class cFrogContest.cls initiated at " & Time$ & " <<<"
End Sub
Option Explicit
Private Declare Sub Sleep Lib "kernel32" (ByVal dwMilliseconds As Long)
Private cFC As New cFrogContest '// Class declaration.
'~~~~~~~> Functions to test.
Public Function VerySlow(ByVal lngArg1 As Long, ByVal strArg2 As String) As Long
Sleep 4
VerySlow = 2
End Function
Public Function Slow(ByVal lngArg1 As Long, ByVal strArg2 As String) As Long
Sleep 2
Slow = 2
End Function
Public Function Quick(ByVal lngArg1 As Long, ByVal strArg2 As String) As Long
Sleep 1
Quick = 2
End Function
Public Function VeryQuick(ByVal lngArg1 As Long, ByVal strArg2 As String) As Long
VeryQuick = 3 '// I put a different result on purpose. xP
End Function
'~~~~~~~> Example of use.
Private Sub Form_Load()
With cFC
.ContestName = "Test1" '// The constest name.
.Explanation = "It's only a simple test..." '// Little explanation.
.SaveDirectory = "c:\" '// Directory where you saved the test.
.ReplaceFile = False '// To overwrite the file.
.Functions "VerySlow,VeryQuick,Slow,Quick" '// Name of the functions.
.Arguments 20, "Long life to Frogs!" '// Arguments of functions (must be the same in all functions).
.NumberOfLoops = 100 '// Number of Loop to call them.
.Result = 2 '// This result should give functions.
.SetObject Me '// Object (needed to make the calls).
.TestIt '// Execute the test and save it.
.ShowTest '// Shows the txt file.
End With
End '// Exit.
End Sub
º Contest Name : Test1
º Explanation : It's only a simple test...
º Arguments : 20, Long life to Frogs!
º Loops : 100
º Date & Hour : 02-12-2011 <-> 22:25:05
Results [not compiled] :
1.- Quick -> 193,846610 msec
2.- Slow -> 292,967082 msec
3.- VerySlow -> 490,423567 msec
º The following functions returns incorrect results :
1.- VeryQuick
>>> Test made by cFrogContest.cls <-> Visit <<<
'~~~~~~~> Example of use.
Private Sub Form_Load()
With cFC
.ContestName = "Test1" '// The constest name.
.Explanation = "It's only a simple test..." '// Little explanation.
.SaveDirectory = "c:\" '// Directory where you saved the test.
.ReplaceFile = False '// To overwrite the file.
.Functions "VerySlow,VeryQuick,Slow,Quick" '// Name of the functions.
.Arguments 20, "Long life to Frogs!" '// Arguments of functions (must be the same in all functions).
.NumberOfLoops = 100 '// Number of Loop to call them.
.Result = 2 '// This result should give functions.
.SetObject Me '// Object (needed to make the calls).
.TestIt '// Execute the test and save it.
.Explanation = "Second test"
.Result = 3
.Arguments 34, "It works good"
.ShowTest '// Shows the txt file.
End With
End '// Exit.
End Sub
Option Explicit
Private Declare Function GetFileAttributesW Lib "KERNEL32" (ByVal lpFileName As Long) As Long
' LeandroA mod Karcrack mod Raul338 mod Mr.Frog
Public Static Function DoFileExistsRII(ByRef sPath As String) As Boolean
DoFileExistsRII = (GetFileAttributesW(StrPtr(sPath)) > -1)
End Function
Cita de: 79137913 en 3 Febrero 2011, 17:13 PM
5)AGREGADA LA FUNCION MODIFICADA DE Mr.Frog (de la de Raul de la de KarCrak)
La tabla (como la de Raul):
"*****TEST HECHO POR 79137913******"
7913: 37,008 msec
LeaA: 10,142 msec
E__C: 11,866 msec
Frog: 30,928 msec
KarC: 9,092 msec
Toke: 46,173 msec
Raul: 8,828 msec Mod de la de KarCrack
Frg2: 8,795 msec Mod del mod de Raul
7913: 32,126 msec
LeaA: 14,285 msec
E__C: 23,763 msec
Frog: 30,927 msec
KarC: 13,112 msec
Toke: 41,872 msec
Raul: 12,836 msec Mod de la de KarCrack
Frg2: 12,700 msec Mod del mod de Raul