Ponerle nombre al framework

Iniciado por дٳŦ٭, 3 Mayo 2010, 19:59 PM

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Verán, he terminado de desarrollar mi framwork/CMS pero aún no he definido el nombre, vengo a pedirles su opinión para ver qué nombre le podemos poner. Recodandoles que es 100% opensource. Les pongo las características generales:

Framework structure
The Vendor Screening Interface site use a new Framework developed in PHP5 with methodology MVC (model, view and controller), is a best practice in the web 2.0. Take advantage of all the options that Apache provides for proper SEO (Search engine optimization).
Is a simple content management Framework which we have used to make lots and lots of great websites. Unlike typical CMS systems such as Joomla or Drupal, this Framework is not a pre-packaged install-and-go system, but rather a series of components tied together by a programming Framework. The main benefits of using this Framework are that the administration interface is very easy to use and since this Framework is a series of components, it's very flexible and expandable. This Framework is in use in over 50 sites worldwide.


Role based user administration
Users are assigned to groups and each group has a different set of permissions. Permissions are based on the different modules that are set up which means that if you add a new module it automatically appears in the permission list. This is nothing new, but works exactly as you expect.

3 Level content administration
Following the 3-click rule of usability we generally limit the content to 3 levels. While the design permits it you can add and remove sections, subsections and subsubsections dynamically. Each one can be edited using one of two WYSIWYG editors that we use (FCK editor and Spaw) the order in which they appear in the navigation can be changed and you can change their status in order to deactivate without removing them.

Internal search engine
By using the MySQL Fulltext function we generally integrate a internal search engine in each site.

Modern web standards
We try to avoid talking about Web 2.0, but our system does include several features which are generally described as web 2.0. Friendly URLs, Tag Clouds and Ajax libraries are all included in this framework. You'll need to make your own oversized and shiny buttons, but the rest is taken care of. We could talk forever about features, but the most important is that the system is easy to use and flexible enough for you to add new features as needed.

¿Cómo ven?, pensé en ponerle AMC xDD pero prefiero algo más formal pero sin llegar a un tipo "Drupal" o "Joomla", prefiero algo más en forma.

Les agradezco mucho,


Con sangre andaluza :)


me caga que los desarrolladores de habla hispana pongan sus trabajos en ingles XD pero es cosa de gustos....

por que no le pones "poncho framework" ? ese pega mucho XD


amm es que solo tengo documentacion en ingles porque el primer sitio lo use para un cliente gringo  :P y no.. poncho framework suena muy mal, mejor le pongo "nopales framework" ajajajaj

Con sangre andaluza :)


que tal nopalitos frameworks! by: $tuempresa  malvados y asosiados  xD


Me recuerda al proyecto de un profe, que le puso turbonopal. A mi me gustan los nombres simples xD, como "simplicity".


que tal FALF? jajajaja Framework de ALF... FALF xD