vBulletin nulled (validator.php) files/directories disclosure

Iniciado por c0de.breaker, 20 Enero 2010, 20:24 PM

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       ____        _ _      _   _       (nulled)
      |  _ \      | | |    | | (_)
__   _| |_) |_   _| | | ___| |_ _ _ __
\ \ / /  _ <| | | | | |/ _ \ __| | '_ \
\ V /| |_) | |_| | | |  __/ |_| | | | |
  \_/ |____/ \__,_|_|_|\___|\__|_|_| |_|
                  Full disclosure...


Name: vBulletin nulled (validator.php) files/directories disclosure
Author: TinKode
Date: 19-01-2010
Dork: "inurl:validator.php"


Description: With this file you can see all files(.sql - .tar.gz - .zip - .rar - .php - .anything) / directories from the folder with vBulletin i


Exploit: http://www.website.com/vB_forum/validator.php


Note: Work on many nulled versions (maybe all)


Copyrights: http://tinkode.baywords.com


Greetz: http://www.insecurity.ro, http://www.darkc0de.com



No entendí :s hay que subirlo al servidor donde está vb? No quedaría en las mismas?


The vBulletin nulled (all versions) have this file, and which you can see all files / directories from the folder with vB installed!

ex: http://www.vbteam.info/validator.php

~ Yoya ~

No puedes escribir en español?, ps no pasa nada si el exploit esta en cualquier idioma, pero las opiniones en español.
Mi madre me dijo que estoy destinado a ser pobre toda la vida.
Engineering is the art of balancing the benefits and drawbacks of any approach.


I use google translate to understant Spanish Language! :)
And it's much easy to reply in english! :)

Pero puedo responder en español :)) --> good? :))

~ Yoya ~

Mi madre me dijo que estoy destinado a ser pobre toda la vida.
Engineering is the art of balancing the benefits and drawbacks of any approach.

~ Yoya ~

Vulnerability even thouggh it has good solution allthough it is easy to get a patch greetings and learn Spanish although English is better jajaj.
Mi madre me dijo que estoy destinado a ser pobre toda la vida.
Engineering is the art of balancing the benefits and drawbacks of any approach.