Hacer Form visible dentro de dll.

Iniciado por 70N1, 6 Diciembre 2012, 20:38 PM

0 Miembros y 1 Visitante están viendo este tema.


Cita de: Novlucker en  6 Diciembre 2012, 21:29 PM
¿Has intentado con el webbrowser como te he comentado antes? ¿Miraste el código de flu?


Que hace lo del link que me diste?. yo ya se usar dlls. lo que quiero es que al cargarse salga el form en plan visible. Sin llamarlo yo de mi aplicacion


Cita de: 70N1 en  7 Diciembre 2012, 00:04 AM
Que hace lo del link que me diste?. yo ya se usar dlls. lo que quiero es que al cargarse salga el form en plan visible. Sin llamarlo yo de mi aplicacion
Cita de: Novlucker en  6 Diciembre 2012, 21:12 PM
En el link que te he dejado antes esta justamente eso llevado a la práctica [...]

Explica como crear fácilmente una DLL nativa que "hostee" el CLR, de ese modo inyectas (usando el método que prefieras) la DLL en el proceso que quieras, y será esta la encargada de ejecutar tu código C#

Contribuye con la limpieza del foro, reporta los "casos perdidos" a un MOD XD

"Hay dos cosas infinitas: el Universo y la estupidez  humana. Y de la primera no estoy muy seguro."
Albert Einstein


Cita de: Novlucker en  7 Diciembre 2012, 13:23 PM
Explica como crear fácilmente una DLL nativa que "hostee" el CLR, de ese modo inyectas (usando el método que prefieras) la DLL en el proceso que quieras, y será esta la encargada de ejecutar tu código C#



// Sample application for remote process injection. Spawns a process and injects itself into it.

#include <stdio.h>
#include <windows.h>

int is_injected = 0;
// this module base. this will be properly set even in the injected process, inject() takes care of that
HMODULE hmodule;

// PID to the original process we were injected from
DWORD parent_pid;

// this is just a buffer to keep an image of the executable at point of entry; before the crt is initialized and before main is called
char*image_mem = 0;
DWORD image_size = 0;

// take an image of the process
// do not use any CRT functions here, since it's not initialized yet
void take_image() {
char*p = (char*)hmodule;
PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS nt = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)(p + dos->e_lfanew);

// find first section...
int n_sections = nt->FileHeader.NumberOfSections;

// ...to find last section
DWORD begin = (DWORD)p;
DWORD end = begin + section[n_sections-1].VirtualAddress + section[n_sections-1].Misc.VirtualSize;

// any memory allocation function that does not use the CRT will do (that excludes malloc)
image_mem=(char*)VirtualAlloc(0,image_size,MEM_RESERVE | MEM_COMMIT,PAGE_READWRITE);
// copy all the memory from the beginning of the module to the end of the last section

// copy from src in this process to dst in the image
// use to set a variable or memory area in the image before injection

void image_set(const void*dst,const void*src,size_t size) {
DWORD offset = (DWORD)dst - ((DWORD)hmodule);
memcpy(image_mem + offset,src,size);

// easy way to "copy" a variable or memory area over to the image
void image_copy(const void*p,size_t size) {

// this goes through the Import Address Table and loads all the imports
// essentially the same as Windows does upon loading a module
// note that it just silently ignores errors, so if it fails to load a module, the process might crash later
// this function is provided only for completeness, and I do not recommend using it
void do_iat() {
const char*p = (const char*)hmodule;
PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS nt = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)(p + dos->e_lfanew);
while (import->Characteristics) {
HMODULE hm = LoadLibraryA(p+import->Name);
if (hm) {
DWORD*dw = (DWORD*)(p+import->OriginalFirstThunk);
int i;
for (i=0;*dw;i++) {
if (*dw&0x80000000) proc=GetProcAddress(hm,(LPCSTR)(*dw&&0xFFFF)); // load by ordinal
else proc=GetProcAddress(hm,p+*dw+2); // load by name
if (proc) {
*((FARPROC*)(p+import->FirstThunk)+i) = proc; // set the value in the bound IAT
} else {
// failed to load proc
} else {
// failed to load module

// just to be compatible with C, we wrap these in ifdefs
// mainCRTStartup and start need to have C symbol names

#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
void mainCRTStartup();
#ifdef __cplusplus
extern "C"
void start() {
hmodule = GetModuleHandle(0);
// take image before CRT is initialized

void injected_start() {
is_injected = 1;
// uncomment next line if you want to be able to inject into further processes
// take_image()

// fix up the IAT
// I would actually recommend not doing this, instead only use functions from kernel32, which is guaranteed to be loaded in every process (and at the same address, to boot)
// but, for completeness, I've included it here


void inject(HANDLE h_proc) {

char*p = (char*)hmodule;
PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS nt = (PIMAGE_NT_HEADERS)(p + dos->e_lfanew);

DWORD begin = (DWORD)p;
DWORD end = begin + image_size;
int start_offset = (ptrdiff_t)&injected_start - begin; // offset of the entry point for the injected code
// allocate memory in the target process for the image
if (!mem) {
fprintf(stderr,"VirtualAllocEx failed; error %d",GetLastError());

// now we must do base relocation, since we are probably loading the code in a different memory area then where we took the image from :)
// this is essentially the same thing Windows does whenever loading a module in a different location than it's desired base address
// the executable must be linked with a relocation section, otherwise it will crash bad after injecting

// the relocation section is basically a list of IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION entries
// each entry has a virtual address and then a list of WORDs
// the top 4 bits of each WORD specify a relocation type, and the bottom 12 specify an offset
// (for x86, all base relocations are of type IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW)
// each offset should be added to the virtual address of the IMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION to get the address of a DWORD
// subtract begin from that DWORD and add mem, and the relocation is done
while (reloc->VirtualAddress) {
DWORD d = (DWORD)(p + reloc->VirtualAddress);
PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION next = (PIMAGE_BASE_RELOCATION)((char*)reloc + reloc->SizeOfBlock);
WORD*w = (WORD*)(reloc+1);
while ((char*)w<(char*)next) {
if (*w>>12 == IMAGE_REL_BASED_HIGHLOW) {
DWORD d2 = d + (*w&0xFFF);
if (d2>=begin&&d2<end) {
DWORD*d = (DWORD*)(d2 - begin + (DWORD)image_mem);
*d -= begin - (DWORD)mem;
reloc = next;

// calling GetModuleHandle(0) from the injected code would return the module of the target process,
// so we set hmodule in the image to the target memory here

// write it into the allocated memory in the target process!
if (!WriteProcessMemory(h_proc,mem,image_mem,image_size,0)) {
fprintf(stderr,"WriteProcessMemory failed; %d",GetLastError());

// create the remote thread...
HANDLE h=CreateRemoteThread(h_proc,NULL,0,(LPTHREAD_START_ROUTINE)(mem+start_offset),0,0,0);
if (!h) {
fprintf(stderr,"CreateRemoteThread failed; error %d",GetLastError());

// ...and the rest is up to fate


//#pragma comment(lib,"ws2_32.lib")
//#include <winsock.h>
int main() {
char resultado;
if (is_injected) {
// if the process we are injected into is not a console process, then we need to allocate one

printf("Resultado de la suma: %i\n",resultado);


// uncomment (along with the 2 lines above main) to demonstrate the IAT loading;
//   this will crash if you comment out do_iat() in injected_start, and inject into a process which does not load ws2_32.dll
//   if all is well, socket should return -1
//printf("socket is %d\n",socket(0,0,0));

// if we return from main, the CRT will call exit, and the target process will terminate
// so we can either call ExitThread here, or loop forever.
// naturally, if main doesn't exit properly, the CRT won't exit properly either, so things like destructors for global c++ objects won't be called
//while (1) Sleep(100);
} else {

// It might be desired to create the process in a suspended state, inject, and then resume the process
// this is unnecessary for this test

si.cb = sizeof(si);
CreateProcessA(0 , "notepad",0,0,0,0,0,0,&si,&pi);

// set parent_pid and copy it over to the image
parent_pid = GetCurrentProcessId();
printf("%i ",pi.hProcess);


return 0;

Esto es exactamente lo que quiero hacer.
La cosa es que solo me funciona con notepad...
puedes guiarme o decirme ejemplo en vb.net?