div ( tabless ) no funciona a el mozilla con ajax Java.

Iniciado por surfrio, 28 Marzo 2008, 20:20 PM

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Soy con el siguiente problema cuándo Uso el div con ajax le no ella montar el tabless no funciona en mozilla pero a el IE  trabajo perfectamente , Llamo a onclick cuándo Vario el parametro qué es usado , en caso Srep2 qué ese un div no funciona no ha sido de nada , a el IE  trabajo perfectamente , por favor me ayúdame.

el codigo onclick

onclick =""showChildb('step2.aspx', Step2, this, 'Hide Hotels', 'Search Hotels', 'Form1', 'selCidade,selCategoriaHotel,dataI,dataF,nrNoites,nomeHotel,valorAte" + camposAjax + " ', '<div>&nbsp;</div>

el codigo html

<div id="Step2"><div>&nbsp;</div>
</div> <!--Step2-->

el codigo java

function showChildb(url, tabela, obj, strObj, strObj2, formp, campos, vazio)  {
   if (tabela.innerHTML == "" || tabela.innerHTML == "&nbsp;" || tabela.innerHTML == "<DIV>&nbsp;</DIV>" || tabela.innerHTML == "<div>&nbsp;</div>") {
      tabela.innerHTML = "<div>Loading...</div>";
      objxml = new getXML();
      rand = Math.random();
      cola = '?';
      if(inStr(url, '?'))   {
         cola = '&';
      else {
         cola = '?';
      objxml.open("POST",url+cola+"rand=" + rand,true);
      objxml.onreadystatechange = function(){
                                 if (objxml.readyState == 4) {
                                    var saida = objxml.responseText;
                                    tabela.innerHTML = saida;
      parametros = getObjVl(campos, formp);
      obj.value = strObj;
      switch (obj.name)


Es mejor que preguntes en un foro que hablen tu idioma, porque casi no se te entiende nada...

Solo una cosa más... no es Java, es javascript. Son totalmente distintos ;)


I am with the the next problem I call a function em javascript at onclick & in that function I call various parametros & a of this is the div in the event of I call of Step2, into the ie it works what that's a beauty but into the mozilla nem from signal of life , & when I shot this adorn (Step2 in the event of the div ) he calls the feature into the mozilla but nao they build the tableless , they know a few solution or a few substitution pro div. please me help me

code onclick
onclick =""showChildb('step2.aspx', Step2, this, 'Hide Hotels', 'Search Hotels', 'Form1', 'selCidade,selCategoriaHotel,dataI,dataF,nrNoites,nomeHotel,valorAte" + camposAjax + " ', '<div> </div>')""

code html
div id="Step2"><div> </div>
</div> <!--Step2-->

code javascript
function showChildb(url, tabela, obj, strObj, strObj2, formp, campos, vazio) {
if (tabela.innerHTML == "" || tabela.innerHTML == " " || tabela.innerHTML == "<DIV> </DIV>" || tabela.innerHTML == "<div> </div>") {
tabela.innerHTML = "<div>Loading...</div>";
objxml = new getXML();
rand = Math.random();
cola = '?';
if(inStr(url, '?')) {
cola = '&';
else {
cola = '?';
objxml.open("POST",url+cola+"rand=" + rand,true);

objxml.onreadystatechange = function(){
if (objxml.readyState == 4) {
var saida = objxml.responseText;
tabela.innerHTML = saida;

parametros = getObjVl(campos, formp);
obj.value = strObj;
switch (obj.name)