Ayuda con funcion de "click" en raton

Iniciado por j0lama, 29 Julio 2015, 12:25 PM

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Muy buenas, a ver si me podríais echar una mano con una función que llevo tiempo intentando buscar. Quiero que cuando con el ratón haga click izquierdo se ejecute algo, sin necesidad de que el click sea en un botón sino que sea en cualquier parte incluso en otra aplicación. Algo así como:

Código (csharp) [Seleccionar]
if (Mouse.DoClick())
     //Funcion que yo quiera

Muchas gracias


j0lama, deber utilizar las etiquetas para insertar código, lee mi firma y las reglas del foro de programación.

Es bastante más complicado que el pseudo-código que has mostrado de ejemplo.

Debes crear un hook de bajo nivel o bien puedes registrar el dispositivo del mouse mediante el modelo RAWINPUT.

Ejemplo de uso:
Código (csharp) [Seleccionar]

using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
public sealed class Form1 : Form

private MouseHook withEventsField_mouseEvents = new MouseHook(Install: false);
private MouseHook mouseEvents {
get { return withEventsField_mouseEvents; }
set {
if (withEventsField_mouseEvents != null) {
withEventsField_mouseEvents.MouseLeftDown -= MouseEvents_MouseLeftDown;
withEventsField_mouseEvents = value;
if (withEventsField_mouseEvents != null) {
withEventsField_mouseEvents.MouseLeftDown += MouseEvents_MouseLeftDown;


private void Form1_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
// Install Mouse Hook on the System.

// Start processing mouse events.


private void Form1_FormClosing(object sender, FormClosingEventArgs e)
// Stop processing mouse events.

// Uninstall the mouse hook from system.


private void MouseEvents_MouseLeftDown(object sender)
Trace.WriteLine(string.Format("Mouse Left Down"));

public Form1()
FormClosing += Form1_FormClosing;
Load += Form1_Load;


//Service provided by Telerik (www.telerik.com)
//Conversion powered by NRefactory.
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Código fuente destripado para cumplir la función que mencionas, y convertido a C# (puede no haberse convertido correctamente):
Código (csharp) [Seleccionar]

using Microsoft.VisualBasic;
using System;
using System.Collections;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Data;
using System.Diagnostics;
#region " Instructions "

// Go to page:
// Project > Properties > Debug
// Then uncheck the option:
// "Enable the Visual Studio Hosting Process"


#region " Imports "

using System.Reflection;
using System.Runtime.InteropServices;


#region " MouseHook "

/// <summary>
/// A low level mouse hook that processes mouse input events.
/// </summary>
internal sealed class MouseHook : IDisposable

#region " P/Invoke "

protected sealed class NativeMethods

#region " Methods "

[DllImport("user32.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern IntPtr CallNextHookEx(IntPtr idHook, int nCode, IntPtr wParam, IntPtr lParam);

[DllImport("user32.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern IntPtr SetWindowsHookEx(HookType idHook, LowLevelMouseProcDelegate lpfn, IntPtr hInstance, uint threadId);

[DllImport("user32.dll", CallingConvention = CallingConvention.StdCall, CharSet = CharSet.Auto)]
public static extern bool UnhookWindowsHookEx(IntPtr idHook);


#region " Enumerations "

public enum WindowsMessages : uint

WMlButtonDown = 0x201u


public enum HookType : uint

WHMouseLL = 14u


public enum MsllHookStructFlags : int

LlmhfInjected = 1,

LlmhfLowerILInjected = 2



#region " Delegates "

public delegate int LowLevelMouseProcDelegate(int nCode, NativeMethods.WindowsMessages wParam, IntPtr lParam);




#region " Properties "

/// <summary>
/// Handle to the hook procedure.
/// </summary>
private IntPtr MouseHook { get; set; }

/// <summary>
/// The mouse hook delegate.
/// </summary>
private NativeMethods.LowLevelMouseProcDelegate MouseHookDelegate { get; set; }


#region " Events "

/// <summary>
/// Occurs when the mouse left button is pressed.
/// </summary>
public event MouseLeftDownEventHandler MouseLeftDown;
public delegate void MouseLeftDownEventHandler(object sender);


#region " Constructors "

/// <summary>
/// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MouseHook"/> class.
/// </summary>
/// <param name="Install">
/// If set to <c>true</c>, the Hook starts initialized for this <see cref="MouseHook"/> instance.
/// </param>

public MouseHook(bool install = false)
if (install) {



#region " Public Methods "

/// <summary>
/// Installs the Mouse Hook, then start processing messages to fire events.
/// </summary>

public void Install()
if (this.IsVisualStudioHostingProcessEnabled()) {
throw new Exception("Visual Studio Hosting Process should be deactivated.");

this.MouseHookDelegate = new NativeMethods.LowLevelMouseProcDelegate(LowLevelMouseProc);

try {
this.MouseHook = NativeMethods.SetWindowsHookEx(NativeMethods.HookType.WHMouseLL, this.MouseHookDelegate, new IntPtr(Marshal.GetHINSTANCE(Assembly.GetExecutingAssembly.GetModules()(0)).ToInt32), 0);

} catch (Exception ex) {



/// <summary>
/// Uninstalls the Mouse Hook and free all resources, then stop processing messages to fire events.
/// </summary>

public void Uninstall()



#region " Private Methods "

private bool IsVisualStudioHostingProcessEnabled()
return AppDomain.CurrentDomain.FriendlyName.EndsWith("vshost.exe", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

private int LowLevelMouseProc(int nCode, NativeMethods.WindowsMessages wParam, IntPtr lParam)

if (nCode == 0) {
switch (wParam) {

case NativeMethods.WindowsMessages.WMlButtonDown:
if (MouseLeftDown != null) {

// Do Nothing
break; // TODO: might not be correct. Was : Exit Select


return Convert.ToInt32(NativeMethods.CallNextHookEx(MouseHook, nCode, new IntPtr(wParam), lParam));

} else if (nCode < 0) {
return Convert.ToInt32(NativeMethods.CallNextHookEx(MouseHook, nCode, new IntPtr(wParam), lParam));

// nCode > 0
} else {
return Convert.ToInt32(NativeMethods.CallNextHookEx(MouseHook, nCode, new IntPtr(wParam), lParam));




#region "IDisposable Support"

/// <summary>
/// Flag to detect redundant calls at <see cref="Dispose"/> method.
/// </summary>

private bool disposedValue;

protected void Dispose(bool disposing)

if (!this.disposedValue) {
// Dispose managed state (managed objects).
if (disposing) {

// Free unmanaged resources (unmanaged objects).
} else {



this.disposedValue = true;


protected override void Finalize()
// Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in method: Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)

this.Dispose(disposing: false);


private void Dispose()
// Do not change this code. Put cleanup code in method: Dispose(ByVal disposing As Boolean)

this.Dispose(disposing: true);
GC.SuppressFinalize(obj: this);





//Service provided by Telerik (www.telerik.com)
//Conversion powered by NRefactory.
//Twitter: @telerik
//Facebook: facebook.com/telerik

Código fuente original y documentado de pies a cabeza, en VB.Net:

Si quieres ver un ejemplo de como sería usando RAWINPUT, puedes hacerte una idea aquí:
[SOURCE] Algoritmo KeyLogger (RawInput) - By Elektro
