[Tutorial] Crear un servidor para WoW usando ArcEmu y NCDB [Tutorial]

Iniciado por Ariath, 1 Agosto 2008, 12:57 PM

0 Miembros y 2 Visitantes están viendo este tema.


El world que has posteado (la configuración), aparece apenas editada. Hay varias cosas que tendrías que cambiar, en el tutorial se indica que hay que cambiar y como.

Porque por ejemplo, esta sección:

<WorldDatabase Hostname = "host" Username = "username" Password = "passwd" Name = "database" Port = "3306" Type = "1">
<CharacterDatabase Hostname = "host" Username = "username" Password = "passwd" Name = "database" Port = "3306" Type = "1">

Esto está tal cual aparece en los archivos de configuración base, y el servidor MySQL, no consigue conectar ni con el ordenador "host" ni con la base de datos "database", como bien te dice en el error:

17:34 N MySQLDatabase: Connecting to `host`, database `database`...
17:34 E MySQLDatabase: Connection failed due to: `Unknown MySQL server host 'host' (11001)`

Algo me dice, que has copiado los configs de nuevo, pero no los has editado.

Reybrujo, el comando es .additem X (o .character additem X, no recuerdo), donde X es el ID del objeto en cuestión a añadir. Tienes que tener el personaje seleccionado.

Ahora he vuelto a retomar mi "partida" en el servidor oficial, y en cuanto llegue el 22 de Septiembre, empezare la universidad, con lo que no voy a poder prestar mucha ayuda, sin embargo prestaré la que pueda.



un salu2 a todos  ;D ;D ;D


Cita de: reybrujo080892 en  1 Septiembre 2008, 19:08 PM
alguno sabe el comando para añadir objetos al personaje en este servidor¿?

te seleccionas y tecleas: .character additem ID


bueno, ya probe de new lo de la exp y funciona perfecto,l muchisimas gracias por vuestra ayuda¡


Hola gente despues de tanto tiempo vengo a ver los mismo errores que daba antrix jeje, bueno que les dire ayer forme el server en dos horas bien intensas parte de aki y parte de otro tutorial que encontre por ahi botadito, jeje, bueno contestando a los que tienen problemas con la conexion a internet primero revisa bien si el XAMPP esta funcionando perfectamente segundo recuerda que debes poner la direccion del adsl o cable que tengas, caso contrario no funcionara, revisa muy bien cada uno de los configs sea acermu world, realm y logonserver, alli debes ver bien si pones la direccion correcta o no, aqui me tope con una cuestion de que en el logon server en la parte inferior donde pones tu ip debes poner "ip/24" entonces debes tener cuidado con esas configuraciones tanto el realm el world y el logon server, deben tener identicos datos caso contrario fallaste, otra que e visto, a cierto me olvidaba si una maquina es servidor no puede ser cliente ojo, el server no te lo permite ya que tendrias que cambiar la configuracion local de tu pc, o sea me refiero a la configuracion del server, solo admite un ip no dos a la vez, al ser un server local es localhost, o pero al ser un server internet debe tener la ip qe registraste o la de adsl digamos ejemplo o asu vez el dominio no-ip que has puesto, deben mirar bien esos peques detalles y mas que todo tenerle paciencia, es complicado pero ya cuando lo dominan es facil.

Eso creo que a sido lo que e visto, la configuracion de reinos, igual todo esta en el ACERMU_WORLD, ACERMU_REALM, ACERMU_LOGONSERVER, revisen bien todos ellos y sigan paso a paso cada guia.-

ELICITACIONES A LA GUIA ARIATH solo espero que no te pase lo mismo que biovnert, que hizo la guia en antrix jeje, bueno si necesitas ayuda ya estare por aqui, :) y a todos los que quieren un server a veces es trabajoso pero LA PACIENCIA EN UN DON INNATO DE CADA UNO USARLA...

ahi se ven gente... y echenle ganas :D :xD :laugh: :rolleyes: ::)


CIERTO ARIATH un por si acaso tienes el sql de los portales :D jeje es que me da vagueria crearlos y es chingon ese trabajito, o no sabes donde las puedo conseguir, es muy largo ir de ciudad en ciudad poniendolos :S bueno si sabes ahi me envias un mensaje o sino ya te envio mi msn por MP, para que me agregues y ahi hablamos :D


sigo teniendo problemas

les pido a alguien  quien le alla andado las confings que si me las puedes paser por favor



cada ves que inicios logon y world me sale

esto en  world  it under the terms of the GNU Affero General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU Affero General Public License for more details.

The key combination <Ctrl-C> will safely shut down the server at any time.

16:19 S Rnd: Initialized Random Number Generators.
16:19 D ThreadPool: Startup, launched 5 threads.
16:19 D ThreadPool: Thread 3820 entered the free pool.
16:19 D ThreadPool: Thread 3140 entered the free pool.
16:19 D ThreadPool: Thread 2112 entered the free pool.
16:19 D ThreadPool: Thread 3244 entered the free pool.
16:19 D ThreadPool: Thread 3824 entered the free pool.
16:19 N Config: Loading Config Files...

16:19 S Config: >> configs/arcemu-world.conf
16:19 S Config: >> configs/arcemu-optional.conf
16:19 S Config: >> configs/arcemu-realms.conf
16:19 N MySQLDatabase: Connecting to `localhost`, database `world`...
16:19 D ThreadPool: Thread 3820 left the thread pool.
16:19 D ThreadPool: Thread 3820 is now executing task at 0x025292F0.
16:19 D ThreadPool: Thread 3140 left the thread pool.
16:19 D ThreadPool: Thread 3140 is now executing task at 0x025284A8.
16:19 N MySQLDatabase: Connecting to `localhost`, database `character`...
16:19 D ThreadPool: Thread 2112 left the thread pool.
16:19 D ThreadPool: Thread 2112 is now executing task at 0x02529468.
16:19 D ThreadPool: Thread 3244 left the thread pool.
16:19 D ThreadPool: Thread 3244 is now executing task at 0x02529688.

Announce colors initialized.

16:19 N World: Loading DBC files...
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/ItemSet.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/Lock.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/EmotesText.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/SkillLineAbility.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/SpellItemEnchantment.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/GemProperties.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/SkillLine.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/Spell.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/ItemExtendedCost.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/Talent.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/TalentTab.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/SpellCastTimes.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/SpellRadius.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/SpellRange.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/SpellDuration.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/ItemRandomProperties.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/AreaTable.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/FactionTemplate.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/Faction.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/TaxiNodes.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/TaxiPath.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/TaxiPathNode.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/CreatureSpellData.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/CreatureFamily.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/ChrRaces.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/ChrClasses.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/Map.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/AuctionHouse.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/ItemRandomSuffix.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/gtCombatRatings.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/ChatChannels.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/DurabilityQuality.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/DurabilityCosts.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/BankBagSlotPrices.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/StableSlotPrices.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/gtChanceToMeleeCrit.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/gtChanceToMeleeCritBase.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/gtChanceToSpellCrit.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/gtChanceToSpellCritBase.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/gtRegenMPPerSpt.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/gtOCTRegenMP.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/gtRegenHPPerSpt.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/gtOCTRegenHP.dbc.
16:19 N DBC: Loading DBC/AreaTrigger.dbc.

16:19 N World: Beginning parallel server startup with 2 threads.

Sql query failed due to [table 'world.creature_names' doesn't exist], Query: [SE
LECT * FROM creature_names]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.gameobject_names' doesn't exist], Query: [
SELECT * FROM gameobject_names]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.items' doesn't exist], Query: [SELECT MAX(
entry) FROM items]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.items' doesn't exist], Query: [SELECT * FR
OM items]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.areatriggers' doesn't exist], Query: [SELE
CT * FROM areatriggers]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.creature_proto' doesn't exist], Query: [SE
LECT * FROM creature_proto]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.quests' doesn't exist], Query: [SELECT * F
ROM quests]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.itempages' doesn't exist], Query: [SELECT
* FROM itempages]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.teleport_coords' doesn't exist], Query: [S
ELECT * FROM teleport_coords]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.graveyards' doesn't exist], Query: [SELECT
* FROM graveyards]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.fishing' doesn't exist], Query: [SELECT *
FROM fishing]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.npc_text' doesn't exist], Query: [SELECT *
FROM npc_text]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.worldmap_info' doesn't exist], Query: [SEL
ECT MAX(entry) FROM worldmap_info]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.worldmap_info' doesn't exist], Query: [SEL
ECT * FROM worldmap_info]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.zoneguards' doesn't exist], Query: [SELECT
* FROM zoneguards]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.unit_display_sizes' doesn't exist], Query:
[SELECT * FROM unit_display_sizes]
16:19 N ObjectMgr: 0 players loaded.
16:19 N ObjectMgr: 0 guilds loaded.
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.playercreateinfo' doesn't exist], Query: [
SELECT * FROM playercreateinfo]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.totemspells' doesn't exist], Query: [SELEC
T * FROM totemspells]
16:19 N ObjectMgrSql query failed due to [table 'world.trainer_defs' doesn't exi
st], Query: [SELECT * FROM trainer_defs]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.spell_disable' doesn't exist], Query: [SEL
ECT * FROM spell_disable]
: 6711 spell skills loaded.
16:19 N ObjectMgr: 0 disabled spells.
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.creature_timed_emotes' doesn't exist], Que
ry: [SELECT * FROM creature_timed_emotes order by `rowid` asc]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.creature_waypoints' doesn't exist], Query:
[SELECT * FROM creature_waypoints]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.instance_bosses' doesn't exist], Query: [S
ELECT `mapid`, `spawnid`, `trash`, `trash_respawn_override` FROM `instance_bosse
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.spelloverride' doesn't exist], Query: [SEL
ECT DISTINCT overrideId FROM spelloverride]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.vendors' doesn't exist], Query: [SELECT *
FROM vendors]
16:19 N ObjectMgr: 0 vendors loaded.
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.ai_threattospellid' doesn't exist], Query:
[SELECT * FROM ai_threattospellid]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.spellfixes' doesn't exist], Query: [SELECT
* FROM spellfixes]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.spell_proc' doesn't exist], Query: [SELECT
* FROM spell_proc]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.spell_effects_override' doesn't exist], Qu
ery: [SELECT * FROM spell_effects_override]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.petdefaultspells' doesn't exist], Query: [
SELECT * FROM petdefaultspells]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.clientaddons' doesn't exist], Query: [SELE
CT * FROM clientaddons]
Query failed: SELECT * FROM clientaddons
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.creature_spawns' doesn't exist], Query: [S
ELECT MAX(id) FROM creature_spawns]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.gameobject_spawns' doesn't exist], Query:
[SELECT MAX(id) FROM gameobject_spawns]
16:19 N ObjectMgrSql query failed due to [table 'world.reputation_creature_onkil
l' doesn't exist], Query: [SELECT * FROM reputation_creature_onkill]
: HighGuid(CORPSE) = 0
16:19 N ObjectMgr: 0 reputation modifiers on reputation_creature_onkill.
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.reputation_faction_onkill' doesn't exist],
Query: [SELECT * FROM reputation_faction_onkill]
16:19 N ObjectMgr: 0 reputation modifiers on reputation_faction_onkill.
16:19 N ObjectMgr: HighGuid(PLAYER) = 0
16:19 N ObjectMgr:Sql query failed due to [table 'world.reputation_instance_onki
ll' doesn't exist], Query: [SELECT * FROM reputation_instance_onkill]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.npc_monstersay' doesn't exist], Query: [SE
LECT * FROM npc_monstersay]
HighGuid(GAMEOBJ) = 0
16:19 N ObjectMgr: HighGuid(UNIT) = 0
16:19 N ObjectMgr: HighGuid(ITEM) = 0
16:19 N ObjectMgr: HighGuid(CONTAINER) = 0
16:19 N ObjectMgr: HighGuid(GROUP) = 0
16:19 N ObjectMgr: HighGuid(CHARTER) = 0
16:19 N ObjectMgr: HighGuid(GUILD) = 0
16:19 N ObjectMgr: HighGuid(TICKET) = 0
16:19 N ObjectMgr: 0 groups loaded.
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.ai_agents' doesn't exist], Query: [SELECT
* FROM ai_agents]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.itempetfood' doesn't exist], Query: [SELEC
T * FROM itempetfood ORDER BY entry]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.weather' doesn't exist], Query: [SELECT zo
neId,high_chance,high_type,med_chance,med_type,low_chance,low_type FROM weather]

Sql query failed due to [table 'world.professiondiscoveries' doesn't exist], Que
ry: [SELECT * from professiondiscoveries]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.creature_quest_starter' doesn't exist], Qu
ery: [SELECT * FROM creature_quest_starter]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.creature_quest_finisher' doesn't exist], Q
uery: [SELECT * FROM creature_quest_finisher]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.gameobject_quest_starter' doesn't exist],
Query: [SELECT * FROM gameobject_quest_starter]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.gameobject_quest_finisher' doesn't exist],
Query: [SELECT * FROM gameobject_quest_finisher]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.gameobject_quest_item_binding' doesn't exi
st], Query: [SELECT * FROM gameobject_quest_item_binding]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.gameobject_quest_pickup_binding' doesn't e
xist], Query: [SELECT * FROM gameobject_quest_pickup_binding]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.npc_gossip_textid' doesn't exist], Query:
[SELECT * FROM npc_gossip_textid]
16:19 N ObjectMgr: 0 NPC Gossip TextIds loaded.
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.item_quest_association' doesn't exist], Qu
ery: [SELECT * FROM item_quest_association]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.creature_names_localized' doesn't exist],
Query: [SELECT DISTINCT language_code FROM creature_names_localized]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.gameobject_names_localized' doesn't exist]
, Query: [SELECT DISTINCT language_code FROM gameobject_names_localized]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.items_localized' doesn't exist], Query: [S
ELECT DISTINCT language_code FROM items_localized]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.quests_localized' doesn't exist], Query: [
SELECT DISTINCT language_code FROM quests_localized]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.npc_text_localized' doesn't exist], Query:
[SELECT DISTINCT language_code FROM npc_text_localized]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.itempages_localized' doesn't exist], Query
: [SELECT DISTINCT language_code FROM itempages_localized]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.command_overrides' doesn't exist], Query:
[SELECT * FROM command_overrides]
16:19 N WordFilter: Loading...
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.wordfilter_character_names' doesn't exist]
, Query: [SELECT * FROM wordfilter_character_names]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.wordfilter_chat' doesn't exist], Query: [S
ELECT * FROM wordfilter_chat]
16:19 N WordFilter: Done.

16:19 N World: Database loaded in 24281ms.

Sql query failed due to [table 'world.creature_formations' doesn't exist], Query
: [SELECT * FROM creature_formations]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.creature_spawns' doesn't exist], Query: [S
ELECT DISTINCT Map FROM creature_spawns]
16:19 N InstanceMgr: Deleting Expired Instances...
16:19 N InstanceMgr: Loading 0 saved instances.

16:19 N World: Object size: 368 bytes
16:19 N World: Unit size: 4744 bytes
16:19 N World: Creature size: 6040 bytes
16:19 N World: Player size: 99320 bytes
16:19 N World: GameObject size: 608 bytes
16:19 N World: Processing 28315 spells...
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.spell_coef_override' doesn't exist], Query
: [SELECT * FROM spell_coef_override]
16:19 N World: Starting Transport System...
16:19 N ObjectMgr: Loading Transports...
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.transport_data' doesn't exist], Query: [SE
LECT * FROM transport_data]
16:19 N World: Starting Auction System...
16:19 N AuctionMgr: Loading Auction Houses...
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.auctionhouse' doesn't exist], Query: [SELE
CT DISTINCT `group` FROM auctionhouse]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.auctionhouse' doesn't exist], Query: [SELE
CT creature_entry, `group` FROM auctionhouse]
16:19 N World: Backgrounding loot loading...
16:19 N BattlegroundManager: Starting...
16:19 N DayWatcherThread: Started.
16:19 N Network: Starting subsystem...
IOCP: Spawning 1 worker threads.
16:19 N Server: Loading External Script Libraries...

Sql query failed due to [table 'world.item_randomprop_groups' doesn't exist], Qu
ery: [SELECT * FROM item_randomprop_groups]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.item_randomsuffix_groups' doesn't exist],
Query: [SELECT * FROM item_randomsuffix_groups]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.creatureloot' doesn't exist], Query: [SELE
CT * FROM creatureloot ORDER BY entryid ASC]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.objectloot' doesn't exist], Query: [SELECT
* FROM objectloot ORDER BY entryid ASC]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.skinningloot' doesn't exist], Query: [SELE
CT * FROM skinningloot ORDER BY entryid ASC]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.fishingloot' doesn't exist], Query: [SELEC
T * FROM fishingloot ORDER BY entryid ASC]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.itemloot' doesn't exist], Query: [SELECT *
FROM itemloot ORDER BY entryid ASC]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.prospectingloot' doesn't exist], Query: [S
ELECT * FROM prospectingloot ORDER BY entryid ASC]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.disenchantingloot' doesn't exist], Query:
[SELECT * FROM disenchantingloot ORDER BY entryid ASC]
Sql query failed due to [table 'world.pickpocketingloot' doesn't exist], Query:
[SELECT * FROM pickpocketingloot ORDER BY entryid ASC]
  GossipScripts.dll : 0x05370000 : v0.706 : loaded.
  InstanceScripts.dll : 0x053B0000 : v0.706 : loaded.
  LUAScripting.dll : 0x053F0000 : v0.706 : delayed load.
  ServerStatusPlugin.dll : 0x05490000 : v0.706 : loaded.
  SpellHandlers.dll : 0x05530000 : v0.706 : loaded.

16:19 N Server: Loaded 5 external libraries.

16:19 N Server: Loading optional scripting engines...
16:19 N Server: Done loading script engines...
16:19 N Server: Ready for connections. Startup time: 32125ms

16:19 N RemoteConsole: Starting...
16:19 N LogonCommClient: Loading forced permission strings...
16:19 N LogonCommClient: Attempting to connect to logon server...
16:19 N LogonCommClient: Connecting to logonserver on ``...
16:19 N LogonCommClient: Connection failed. Will try again in 10 seconds.
16:19 N LogonCommClient: Connecting to logonserver on ``...
16:19 N LogonCommClient: Connection failed. Will try again in 10 seconds.

y en logon

ArcEmu TRUNK r706/Release-Win32 (X86) :: Logon Server

The key combination <Ctrl-C> will safely shut down the server at any time.

16:20 N System: Initializing Random Number Generators...
16:20 N Config: Loading Config Files...
16:20 N ThreadMgr: Starting...
16:20 D ThreadPool: Startup, launched 5 threads.
16:20 D ThreadPool: Thread 2608 entered the free pool.
16:20 D ThreadPool: Thread 2488 entered the free pool.
16:20 D ThreadPool: Thread 2804 entered the free pool.
16:20 D ThreadPool: Thread 660 entered the free pool.
16:20 D ThreadPool: Thread 3240 entered the free pool.
16:20 N MySQLDatabase: Connecting to `localhost `, database `logon `...
16:20 E MySQLDatabase: Connection failed due to: `Unknown MySQL server host 'loc
alhost ' (11001)`

estoy ya harto de probar y probar si alguien seria tan amable de pasarme sus confing se lo agradeceria mucho


hola nose q paso me parece q se borro mi mensaje pero les qria decir q tengo un problema ya monte el servidor pero cuando estro para seleccionar reino no hay ninguno en la lista


FESEE la base de datos no responde como deberia eso es problema de al subir el sql al sqlyog o con cualquier programa con el que estes gestionando ls BD no te subio completo todo pero es raro porque a mi me funciono perfectamente con el Sqlyog, revisalo primero, y despues me dices, porque lo que ests fallando son las querys pero que raro porque en esta version ya casi no las utilizamos, enviame las config a darknicht@gmail.com para revisarlas...