Crear server WoW | Arcemu | 3.0.9

Iniciado por Iagokx, 18 Enero 2009, 20:43 PM

0 Miembros y 4 Visitantes están viendo este tema.


Gracias muy amable.

Estuve dale y dale y crei que yo lo habia instalado mal.

Debo borrar todo y comenzar de cero verdad?

De verdad gracias por la atención prestada


buenas! ::)

he seguido todos los pasos y todo me va bien, el problema es que al conectarme al wow y meter mi pass no encuentra ningun reino.

Sabeis que puede ser? he revisado todos los archivos de config 2 veces


Buenas , gracias por la guia  ;D ,

El servidor me anduvo bien tengo un pj y eso pero hay unas cositas...

1º- Al crear la cuenta gm el rango fue AZ , eso quiere decir que tengo acceso a todos los comandos.. pero no puedo utilizar comandos como .lookupitems/creature/quest , .additem/set , .npcspawn...y los .serverrestart etc ...Ademas que cuando quiero teletrasportarme a algunas instance me dice que necesito grupo  :huh:

2º- La mayoria de los npc de las ciudades en vez de arma tienen un cuadrao azul con blanco  :xD

Por ahora es eso no me eh puesto a ver mucho... Pero gracias por la guia

Filibustero de bolsillo

Jaja xD pero como lo vas a hacer andar si esos comandos no son! :P

Mirad los comandos:

CitarArcEmu GM-Command Liste
gültig ab mind. Rev573

Die Weitergabe der List ist NUR mit (c)-Hinweis auf diesen Beitrag erlaubt.

Offiziel wurde diese Liste nur auf sowie beim L0st-Project veröffentlicht.

Globale Chatcommands
Commands beginnen mit .

commands | 0 | Shows Commands
help | 0 | Shows help for command
announce | u | Sends Msg To All
wannounce | u | Sends Widescreen Msg To All
appear | v | Teleports to x's position.
summon | v | Summons x to your position
kill | r | .kill - Kills selected unit.
killplr | r | .killplr <name> - Kills specified player
revive | r | Revives you.
reviveplr | r | Revives player specified.
demorph | m | Demorphs from morphed model.
mount | m | Mounts into modelid x.
dismount | h | Dismounts.
gps | 0 | Shows Position
worldport | v |
start | m | Teleport's you to a starting location
invincible | j | .invincible - Toggles INVINCIBILITY (mobs won't attack you)
invisible | i | .invisible - Toggles INVINCIBILITY and INVISIBILITY (mobs won't attack you and nobody can see you, but they can see your chat messages)
playerinfo | m | .playerinfo - Displays informations about the selected character (account...)
levelup | m | Levelup x lvls
modify | m |
waypoint | w |
debug | d |
gm | 0 |
gmTicket | c |
gobject | o |
battleground | e |
npc | n |
cheat | m |
account | a |
honor | m |
quest | q |
pet | m |
recall | q |
guild | m |
server | 0 |
char | 0 |
lookup | l |
admin | z |
kick | m |
ban | m |
unban | m |
kickplayer | b | Kicks player from server
gmannounce | u | Sends Msg to all online GMs
clearcooldowns | m | Clears all cooldowns for your class.
removeauras | m | Removes all auras from target
paralyze | b | Roots/Paralyzes the target.
unparalyze | b | Unroots/Unparalyzes the target.
gotrig | v | Warps to areatrigger <id>
exitinstance | m | Exits current instance, return to entry point.
modperiod | m | Changes period of current transporter.
createarenateam | g | Creates arena team
logcomment | 1 | Adds a comment to the GM log for the admins to read.
removesickness | m | Removes ressurrection sickness from the target
fixscale | m |
addtrainerspell | m |

hp | m | Health Points/HP
gender | m | Changes gender 0=male / 1=female.
mana | m | Mana Points/MP
rage | m | Rage Points
energy | m | Energy Points
level | m | Level xy
armor | m | Armor
holy | m | Holy Resistance
fire | m | Fire Resistance
nature | m | Nature Resistance
frost | m | Frost Resistance
shadow | m | Shadow Resistance
arcane | m | Arcane Resistance
damage | m | Unit Damage Min/Max
scale | m | Size/Scale
gold | m | Gold/Money/Copper
speed | m | Movement Speed
nativedisplayid | m | Native Display ID
displayid | m | Display ID
flags | m | Unit Flags
faction | m | Faction Template
dynamicflags | m | Dynamic Flags
talentpoints | m | Talent Points
happiness | m | Happiness
spirit | m | Spirit
boundingraidius | m | Bounding Radius
combatreach | m | Combat Reach
emotestate | m | NPC Emote State
bytes | m | Bytes

infront | d |
showreact | d |
aimove | d |
dist | d |
face | d |
moveinfo | d |
setbytes | d |
getbytes | d |
unroot | d |
root | d |
landwalk | d |
waterwalk | d |
castspell | d | .castspell <spellid> - Casts spell on target.
castself | d | .castself <spellId> - Target casts spell <spellId> on itself.
castspellne | d | .castspellne <spellid> - Casts spell on target (only plays animations, doesnt handle effects or range/facing/etc.
aggrorange | d | .aggrorange - Shows aggro Range of the selected Creature.
knockback | d | .knockback <value> - Knocks you back.
fade | d | .fade <value> - calls ModThreatModifyer().
threatMod | d | .threatMod <value> - calls ModGeneratedThreatModifyer().
calcThreat | d | .calcThreat <dmg> <spellId> - calculates threat.
threatList | d | .threatList - returns all AI_Targets of the selected Creature.
gettptime | d | grabs transporter travel time
itempushresult | d | sends item push result
setbit | d |
setvalue | d |
aispelltestbegin | d |
aispelltestcontinue | d |
aispelltestskip | d |
dumpcoords | d |
sendpacket | d | <opcode ID>, <data>
sqlquery | d | <sql query>
rangecheck | d | Checks the 'yard' range and internal range between the player and the target.
setallratings | d | Sets rating values to incremental numbers based on their index.
testlos | d | tests los
testindoor | d | tests indoor
getheight | d | Gets height
getpos | d |

add | w | Add wp at current pos
show | w | Show wp's for creature
hide | w | Hide wp's for creature
delete | w | Delete selected wp
movehere | w | Move to this wp
flags | w | Wp flags
waittime | w | Wait time at this wp
emote | w | Emote at this wp
skin | w | Skin at this wp
change | w | Change at this wp
info | w | Show info for wp
movetype | w | Movement type at wp
generate | w | Randomly generate wps
save | w | Save all waypoints
deleteall | w | Delete all waypoints
addfly | w | Adds a flying waypoint

-- mit dem Addon MyMaster
get | c | Gets GM Ticket list.
getId | c | Gets GM Ticket by player name.
delId | c | Deletes GM Ticket by player name.

-- ohne dem Addon MyMaster
list | c | Lists all active GM Tickets.
get | c | Gets GM Ticket with ID x.
remove | c | Removes GM Ticket with ID x.
deletepermanent | z | Deletes GM Ticket with ID x permanently.
assign | c | Assignes GM Ticket with id x to GM y (if empty to your self).
release | c | Releases assigned GM Ticket with ID x.
comment | c | Sets comment x to GM Ticket with ID y.

create | m | Creates a guild.
rename | m | Renames a guild.
members | m | Lists guildmembers and their ranks.
removeplayer | m | Removes a player from a guild.
disband | m | Disbands the guild of your target.

select | o | Selects the nearest GameObject to you
delete | o | Deletes selected GameObject
spawn | o | Spawns a GameObject by ID
info | o | Gives you informations about selected GO
activate | o | Activates/Opens the selected GO.
enable | o | Enables the selected GO for use.
scale | o | Sets scale of selected GO
animprogress | o | Sets anim progress
export | o | Exports the current GO selected
move | g | Moves gameobject to player xyz
rotate | g | "Rotates gameobject x degrees

setbgscore | e | <Teamid> <Score> - Sets battleground score. 2 Arguments.
startbg | e | Starts current battleground match.
pausebg | e | Pauses current battleground match.
bginfo | e | Displays information about current battleground.
battleground | e | Shows BG Menu
setworldstate | e | <var> <val> - Var can be in hex. WS Value.
playsound | e | <val>. Val can be in hex.
setbfstatus | e | .setbfstatus - NYI.
leave | e | Leaves the current battleground.
getqueue | z | Gets common battleground queue information.
forcestart | z | Forces initialitation of all battlegrounds with active queue.

vendoradditem | n | Adds to vendor
vendorremoveitem | n | Removes from vendor.
flags | n | Changes NPC flags
emote | n | .emote - Sets emote state
delete | n | Deletes mob from db and world.
info | n | Displays NPC information
addAgent | n | .npc addAgent <agent> <procEvent> <procChance> <procCount> <spellId> <spellType> <spelltargetType> <spellCooldown> <floatMisc1> <Misc2>
listAgent | n | .npc listAgent
say | n | .npc say <text> - Makes selected mob say text <text>.
yell | n | .npc yell <Text> - Makes selected mob yell text <text>.
come | n | .npc come - Makes npc move to your position
return | n | .npc return - Returns ncp to spawnpoint.
spawn | n | .npc spawn - Spawns npc of entry <id>
spawnlink | n | .spawnlink sqlentry
possess | n | .npc possess - Possess an npc (mind control)
unpossess | n | .npc unpossess - Unposses any currently possessed npc.
select | n | .npc select - selects npc closest
npcfollow | m | Sets npc to follow you
nullfollow | m | Sets npc to not follow anything
formationlink1 | m | Sets formation master.
formationlink2 | m | Sets formation slave with distance and angle
formationclear | m | Removes formation from creature

status | m | Shows active cheats.
taxi | m | Enables all taxi nodes.
cooldown | m | Enables no cooldown cheat.
casttime | m | Enables no cast time cheat.
power | m | Disables mana consumption etc.
god | m | Sets god mode, prevents you from taking damage.
fly | m | Sets fly mode
land | m | Unsets fly mode
explore | m | Reveals the unexplored parts of the map.
flyspeed | m | Modifies fly speed.
stack | m | Enables aura stacking cheat.
triggerpass | m | Ignores area trigger prerequisites.

level | z | Sets gm level on account. Pass it username and 0,1,2,3,az, etc.
mute | a | Mutes account for <timeperiod>.
unmute | a | Unmutes account <x>

addpoints | m | Adds x amount of honor points/currency
addkills | m | Adds x amount of honor kills
globaldailyupdate | m | Daily honor field moves
singledailyupdate | m | Daily honor field moves for selected player only
pvpcredit | m | Sends PVP credit packet, with specified rank and points

createpet | m | Creates a pet with <entry>.
renamepet | m | Renames a pet to <name>.
addspell | m | Teaches pet <spell>.
removespell | m | Removes pet spell <spell>.
spawnbot | a | .pet spawnbot <type> - spawn a helper bot for your aid

list | q | List recall locations
port | q | Port to recalled location
add | q | Add recall location
del | q | Remove a recall location
portplayer | m | recall ports player

addboth | 2 | Add quest <id> to the targeted NPC as start & finish
addfinish | 2 | Add quest <id> to the targeted NPC as finisher
addstart | 2 | Add quest <id> to the targeted NPC as starter
delboth | 2 | Delete quest <id> from the targeted NPC as start & finish
delfinish | 2 | Delete quest <id> from the targeted NPC as finisher
delstart | 2 | Delete quest <id> from the targeted NPC as starter
complete | 2 | Complete/Finish quest <id>
finisher | 2 | Lookup quest finisher for quest <id>
item | 2 | Lookup itemid necessary for quest <id>
list | 2 | Lists the quests for the npc <id>
load | 2 | Loads quests from database
lookup | 2 | Looks up quest string x
giver | 2 | Lookup quest giver for quest <id>
remove | 2 | Removes the quest <id> from the targeted player
reward | 2 | Shows reward for quest <id>
status | 2 | Lists the status of quest <id>
spawn | 2 | Port to spawn location for quest <id>
start | 2 | "Starts quest <id>

setmotd | m | Sets MOTD
rehash | z | Reloads config file.
reloadtable | m | Reloads some of the database tables
shutdown | z | Initiates server shutdown in <x> seconds (5 by default).
restart | z | Initiates server restart in <x> seconds (5 by default).
save | s | Save's your character
saveall | s | Save's all playing characters
info | 0 | Server info

list | 0 | Shows active GM's
off | t | Sets GM tag off
on | t | Sets GM tag on
whisperblock | g | Blocks like .gmon except without the <GM> tag
allowwhispers | c | Allows whispers from player <s> while in gmon mode.
blockwhispers | c | Blocks whispers from player <s> while in gmon mode.

learn | m | Learns spell
unlearn | m | Unlearns spell
getskillinfo | m | Gets all the skills from a player
learnskill | m | .learnskill <skillid> (optional) <value> <maxvalue> - Learns skill id skillid.
advanceskill | m | advanceskill <skillid> <amount, optional, default = 1> - Advances skill line x times..
removeskill | m | .removeskill <skillid> - Removes skill
increaseweaponskill | m | .increaseweaponskill <count> - Increase eqipped weapon skill x times (defaults to 1).
resetreputation | n | .resetreputation - Resets reputation to start levels. (use on characters that were made before reputation fixes.)
resetspells | n | .resetspells - Resets all spells to starting spells of targeted player. DANGEROUS.
resettalents | n | .resettalents - Resets all talents of targeted player to that of their current level. DANGEROUS.
resetskills | n | .resetskills - Resets all skills.
additem | m | Adds a item to your target.
removeitem | m | Removes item %u count %u.
additemset | m | Adds item set to inv.
advanceallskills | m | Advances all skills <x> points.
getstanding | m | Gets standing of faction %u.
setstanding | m | Sets stanging of faction %u.
showitems | m | Shows items of selected Player
showskills | m | Shows skills of selected Player
rename | m | Renames character x to y.
forcerename | m | Forces character x to rename his char next login

item | l | Looks up item string x.
quest | l | Looks up quest string x.
creature | l | Looks up item string x.

castall | z | Makes all players online cast spell <x>.
dispelall | z | Dispels all negative (or positive w/ 1) auras on all players.
renameallinvalidchars | z | Renames all invalid character names
masssummon | z | .masssummon - Summons all players.
playall | z | Plays a sound to the entire server.

byplayer | f | Disconnects the player with name <s>.
byaccount | f | Disconnects the session with account name <s>.
byip | f | Disconnects the session with the ip <s>.

ip | m | Adds an address to the IP ban table: <address> [duration] - Duration must be a number optionally followed by a character representing the calendar subdivision to use (h>hours, d>days, w>weeks, m>months, y>years, default minutes) - Lack of duration results in a permanent ban.
character | b | Bans character x with or without reason
account | a | Ban account. .account ban name timeperiod

ip | m | Deletes an address from the IP ban table: <address>
character | b | Unbans character x
account | z | Unbans account x.

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.


Danfelbm te hago una pregunta tenes idea de como hacer un server instantaneo, me refiero, a que todo aquel q se cree un pj y loguee con el ya sera 70, tendra 5 partes del s1 y 5k de oro. Lo de ser 70 a penas creas el pj lo pude lograr, pero q tengan s1 o el s2 y el oro para habilidades nop, me gustaria saber si me puedes ayudar, espero q entiendas la idea. Gracias de ante mano.


Bueno lo de los comandos ya lo solucione gracias...

Pero los Cubos Azules no T.T .... Tmb mobs como The Lich King  :¬¬ estan con Cubos


@ kotto: Borra cache (de tu carpeta del wow) y vuelve a mirar, a mi no me salen :S

@ Miuchi: simplemente tienes que volver a crear las db's

@ Pogoo: Estas seguro de que el arcemu-world.exe esta abierto?

Muchos os quejais de los cuadrados blancos, no le puedo hacer nada, solo esperar..  :laugh:

Por cierto, los que estuvierais usando las versiones que tenia puestas antes dejadlas y usad las de ahora

Filibustero de bolsillo

Cita de: Chernova en 23 Enero 2009, 00:52 AM
Danfelbm te hago una pregunta tenes idea de como hacer un server instantaneo, me refiero, a que todo aquel q se cree un pj y loguee con el ya sera 70, tendra 5 partes del s1 y 5k de oro. Lo de ser 70 a penas creas el pj lo pude lograr, pero q tengan s1 o el s2 y el oro para habilidades nop, me gustaria saber si me puedes ayudar, espero q entiendas la idea. Gracias de ante mano.

Eso se configura en el Realm-Optional (algo así, esta en la carpeta configs con algo de Optional en el nombre xDD).

Y Puedes decirme Danfel xD o Dios, como quieras xDD es broma..

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.


si, los tenia abiertos los dos... pero aun asi no se abria y ahora directamente el world se cierra solo...

va cargando cosas y al cabo de unos 8 segundos se cierra. antes de cerrarse da un mensaje que dice:

server has crassed, reason an access violation  :-\


pogoo si usas la db que puse y el arcemu que puse no da ese error

hazme caso ^^