Alguien capaz de Avanzar o hechar una mano????

Iniciado por xivan25, 26 Marzo 2013, 00:07 AM

0 Miembros y 3 Visitantes están viendo este tema.


Esto se complica un poco...a comparancia de los Crackmes que uno se los devora como si fueran Chetos  :xD :xD es la primera vez que me enfrento a este tipo de proteccion que no deja copiar  :( :(


Hola aqui aporto una lista con todos los Strings conseguidos del Deluxe con el Win32 Dasm:
String Resource ID=65280: "Field '%s' cannot be modified"
String Resource ID=65500: "Assertion failed"
String Resource ID=65519: "Application Error"
String Resource ID=65535: "Invalid numeric input"
"                              "
"              "
"            On"
"          end"
"          end>"
"          item"
"        "
"        left = "
"        procedure FormCreate( "
"        top = 10"
"      "
"      parameters = <"
"     "
"     { Code generation option "
"     AdoDB, Db, DBTables, ExtCtrls;"
"     private"
"     public"
"    "
"    // Module level (private) "
"    begin"
"    end"
"    end;"
"    Index : integer;"
"    object "
"    On"
"    Procedure Gosub"
"   "
"   // ----------------- End loading "
"   // Delux : Load controls into "
"   // Global or Public procs"
"   // Load controls into arrays"
"   end;"
"   height = 200"
"   left = 100"
"   QStdCtrls, Qmenus, Qextctrls, "
"   StdCtrls, menus, extctrls, "
"   SysUtils, Classes, QGraphics, "
"   T"
"   top = 100"
"   width = 250"
"   Windows, Messages, SysUtils, "
"  {"
"  A problem occurred on line - "
"  ADOHostfrm : TADOHostfrm;"
"  Application.CreateForm( T"
"  Application.Initialize;"
"  Application.Run;"
"  end"
"  End;"
"  end;"
"  Forms,"
"  height = 100"
"  left = 200"
"  object "
"  On"
"  Oncreate = FormCreate"
"  Private"
"  private"
"  public"
"  QForms,"
"  TADOHostfrm = class(TDataModule)"
"  TO"
"  top = 200"
"  width = 200"
"' '"
" ) do begin"
" );"
" ** A problem occurred with this "
" ,ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenStatic, "
" : "
" : array of "
" : T"
" : TDatamodule }"
" : TO"
" := "
" := ("
" := T"
" := TO"
" + ("
" + 1"
" = "
" = ( "
" = class(TDataModule)"
" = class(TForm)"
" = class(TObject)"
" = Class(TObject)"
" = record"
" -> "
" > ( "
" A problem occurred on line - "
" Analysing "
" AND "
" ASC"
" at "
"' at "
" By Delux (c) on "
" Created ADOHost.pas/ADOHost.dfm"
" denyshare"
" do begin"
" Done "
" Done ADOHost.pas"
" Done code part. Lines - "
" Done DAO analysis. Lines - "
" Done form part, %d controls found"
" Done form."
" Form "
" in '"
" like "
" name "
" not found"
"' not found"
"' not found."
" not found</font>"
" not recognised"
" ÔA"
" of"
" read Get"
" Recoding "
" Standard version does not translate "
" stdcall; external "
" to "
" will map to "
" Write F"
" Write Set"
" \¥ËWн/"
" '
" EADOError‹À¼9J"
" EExternal‹À @"
" EOleError‹ÀP¦E"
" EOverflow‹ÀÄ"@"
" TDLparams$"
" TDockZone‹À̃ÀŒéÿ²"
" TErrorRec"
" TExprData"
" TExprNode0"
" THintInfo@"
" TIntConst‹ÀU‹ì,,ÒtƒÄðèÁÿÿ‰H‹M ‰H‹M‰H ,,Òt"
" TParaNode‹ÀSVQ‹Ú‹ð‹Ó‹Æè "
" TStmtInfo "
" TUndoNode‹Àð½L"
EBitsErrorØ A"
EListError€ A"
TFieldInfo "
" EFilerErrorÀA"
" EFOpenErrorhA"
" EInOutErrorH@"
" EWin32Errorh˜@"
" EWriteErrorpA"
" TBufferList"
" TFileFormat"
" TGlyphCacheD,E"
" TLookupList4ãG"
" TOvcIntlSupSVW,,ÒtƒÄðèɶóÿ‹Ú‹ø¾(kO"
" TStringItem"
" TThreadList A"
" EEditorError@"
" ENoResultSet@"
" EOleSysError@"
" EOutOfMemory@"
" EResNotFound@"
" EStreamError@"
" TBDECallback@"
" TButtonGlyph@"
" TFontCharset"
" TOvcUserData@"
" TSessionList@"
" Variant@"
"" >"
"">Project file ...</a>"
"%-20.20s  %-18s"
"%-20.20s  %-20.20s %-8.8s"
"%d: %s"
"%i%: Editor paragraph. Tab."
"%s            %s "
"%s         end"
"%s         object %s : %s"
"%s        %s "
"%s     %s "
"%s     end"
"%s     object %s : %s"
"%s  %s "
"%s  end"
"%s  left = 10"
"%s  object %s : %s"
"%s  top = 10"
"%s (%s)"
"%s : array[%d..%d] of %s;   // "
"%s in line %d not recognised."
"%s: %s"
"%sdataset = %s"
"%sdatasource = %s"
"%sleft = %s"
"%sobject %s : TPageControl"
"%sobject %s: %s"
"%sobject %s: TDataSource"
"%sobject dbnav%-2.2d: TDBNavigator"
"%sobject mainmenu1: TMainmenu"
"%stop = %s"
"( self )"
"( self)"
"( self, "
"(Sender : TObject )"
") = ("
") then begin"
") then F"
") then"
")) then break;"
").name) - 2;"
").name, Index, 3));"
").Value := "
"').Value := "
"*** Can't find file "
", "", "", 0"
",'' );"
", sizeof("
".commandtext := "
".commandtext := ''"
".commandtype := cmdText;"
".connection := "
".connection := ADOHostfrm."
".connection := Not_Given;"
".connectionstring := '"
".connectionstring := 'Provider=Microsoft.Jet.O"
".count-1 do begin"
".cursortype := "
".cursortype := ctUnknown;"
".executeoptions := "
".executeoptions := eoAsynchFetch;"
".Fields[x].Value := "
".FormCreate( Sender : TObject "
".locktype := "
".locktype := ltUnknown;"
".options := "
"// "
"// DB code not translated"
"// Delux added code to get index."
"// in which case the '>' below "
"// It may be necessary to change "
"// It will not be translated correctly "
"// Macro failed "
"// This file has been translated "
"// THIS IS THE Demonstration EDITION "
"// this line caused a problem "
"// This object was Static Sub "
"// Translated from : "
"// Translated SELECT clause"
"// VB static"
"// WARNING : Delux cannot tell "
"// WARNING : This procedure contains "
"; // "
"; // static sub object"
"] := "
"] of "
"].Value := "
"{$else if "
"{$ifdef "
"{$R *.dfm}"
"{$R *.DFM}"
"{$R *.xfm}"
",l,r ,oƒSƒVƒbƒN8B"
"¤ C"
"€ ø{2¿‹»"
"<a href=""
"<font color="black" size=2>"
"<font color="gray" size=2>"
"<font color="green" size=2>"
"<font color="green" size=2><b>"
"<font color="maroon" size=2>"
"<font color="navy" size=2>"
"<font color="navy" size=2><b>"
"<font color="navy" size=3><b>"
"<font color="Red"><b>This is the "
"<font color="Red"><b>You may view "
"<font color="red">Can't open file "
"<font color="red">Source file "
"<font face="Arial" size=3 color="black">"
"<html><body bgcolor="white" leftmargin=30>"
"<img src=""
"...Òt;Pdt‹JŠI:HHu‹@LB ÐSVWƒÄø‹ñ<$¥¥‹Ø‰S`"
t f;Jtf;Jtf;JtƒÂëäƒÂƒÂƒÂ‰Ñ"
"a Ó¯ÍЊ>"
"append( "
"array ["
"array of "
"assignfile( "
"C++ Exception"
"Cancelled by operator."
"Can't create directory "
"Can't find project"
"Can't open dsx file "
"Can't seek in dsx file "
"caption = "
"case "
"Class "
"Class map data imported."
"Class map data loaded."
"Class of "
"closefile( "
"Constructor Create;"
"constructor T"
"Control Panel\International"
"Couldn't import the Map file '"
"Couldn't load the Map file '"
"Creating ADOhost form"
"Creating ADOhost.pas"
"d:\delux\vb codes\"
"Data Source="
"datasource  = "
"dddd, MMMM dd, yyyy"
"Delphi Component"
"Delphi Picture"
"Delux - Run log"
"Delux : "
"Delux : Classmap - "
"Delux : Open Project Failed"
"Delux : Processing Failure"
"Delux : Project file : "
"Delux : Source file : "
"Delux : Static procedure module "
"Delux can't find "
"Delux can't find eventprm.txt"
"Delux Demonstration"
"Delux Recoder : DEMONSTRATION"
"Delux Recoder : Pro Edition"
"Demo Pro Edition"
"Destructor Destroy; override;"
"destructor T"
"Done analysis pass."
"Done code generation -"
"Done DAO analysis -"
"Duplicate name - "
"EInvalidOperation‹ÀP A"
"else begin"
"else if ("
"else if( "
"Enter Line Number (1 to "
"Error parsing line '"
"Error reading line or premature "
"Event = Procedure"
"Event Read F"
"éýqòÿ• ýÿÿ¡ìrO"
"File : "
"File not found"
"Finished everything."
"for "
"for dl_k := 0 to "
"function "
"Global subs"
"Go to Line Number"
"if ("
"If Assigned(F"
"ïìÃB¶®÷ N÷ÂÑ"
"Index := length((sender as "
"Index := StrToInt(copy((sender "
"last height"
"last left"
"last project %1.1d"
"last top"
"last width"
"layout text"
"Library "
"Loading mapping data ..."
"Magellan MSWHEEL"
"mmmm d, yyyy"
"Module subs"
"Move( "
"no mapping for method-> "
"Not Enough Memory"
"not used"
"ö@ uè©"
"object "
"object ADOHostfrm : TADOHostfrm"

"Oncreate = FormCreate"
"Only the first 200 lines will "
"Private subs"
"procedure "
"procedure T"
"Program "
"Project Logfile for : "
"Property "
"Public subs"
"read( "
"readln( "
"reset( "
"rewrite( "
"S‹Ú‹ÐJt JtJƒêrë#¡"
"Search string '"
"setlength( "
"Software\Borland\Database Engine"
"Something went wrong on line "
"Something went wrong while processing "
"SQL.Strings = ("
"Start analysis pass -"
"Start code generation -"
"Start DAO analysis -"
"Started on : "
"Static module "
"SV‹ò‹Ø‹Æè‹)þÿˆCN^[Њ@N'èFþÿËÀU‹ì‹E‹@ü‹@ "
"SV‹ò‹Ø‹Æèû¿üÿ,,Àt ²‹Ãèj...þÿ^[Í@"
"SVW‹ò‹ø‹Çèºÿÿÿ‹ÆèÉôÿë ²¡œŒL"
"System\CurrentControlSet\Control\Keyboard "
"TBits‹À` A"
"TClipboardFormats‹ÀSV,,ÒtƒÄðèÆ`þÿ‹Ú‹ð²¡ A"
"TConversionFormat "
"The Demo is limited to 200 lines "
"TLookupListEntry "
"top left width height scalewidth "
"TPacketAttribute "
"Type '"
"U‹ì1ÀPÿuÿuÿu ‰‹AÿƒÄ X]"
"U‹ìƒÄðSVW‹u ‹}€=í†O"
"U‹ìƒÄðSVW‹u ‹}€=ì†O"
"U‹ìƒÄðSVW‹u ‹}€=î†O"
"U‹ìƒÄÔSV‹] ‹u€=é†O"
"U‹ìƒÄÔSVW‹} ‹u€=ï†O"
"U‹ìQS‹ØVW‹ú‰Müƒÿ‹st‹Ç@ "
"U‹ìQSVW²‹EèWÁþÿˆEþ‹E‹U ‰Œ"
"U‹ìS‹]1ÀPPPP‰àPEPPÿ3CPÿu èõþÿÿ¶C‹]ÿ$...="
"U‹ìSVW‹} ‹]€=ê†O"
"U‹ìSVW‹u‹]V‹E PS¡ð‡O"
"unit "
"unit ADOHost;"
"Unknown class->"
"until ("
"until not ("
"uses Windows, SysUtils, Classes, "
"var "
"while ("
"while not ("
"while true do begin"
"who cares"
"with "
"write( "
"writeln( "
"Writing Delphi <a href=""
"x B"
"You cannot copy text in the Demonstration "
"You have changed the mappings. "

Alguien tiene idea de que string deberia seguir para atacar atraves del offset en olly dbg??
yo sospecho de este: You cannot copy text in the Demostration Offset=004D0C0F

y de estos:width= 200     004DA073

top= 200     004DA07D

¿que opinan?    :xD :xD :xD :xD :xD

MCKSys Argentina

Opino que deberías leer el FAQ y hacer la introducción a Ollydbg.

No todos los programas se atacan usando strings references.

Necesitas aprender a caminar antes de querer correr.

MCKSys Argentina

"Si piensas que algo está bien sólo porque todo el mundo lo cree, no estás pensando."


xivan25 no lees? ya te dije como evitar lo de las 200 lineas! parchando los saltos muestra todas las lineas.


Esto se complica un poco...a comparancia de
los Crackmes que uno se los devora como si
fueran Chetos es la primera vez que
me enfrento a este tipo de proteccion que
no deja copiar

hola xivan no megusta ser malo pero lee las reglas entretodos si resolveriamos tu problema no dudes de la capasidad de los usuarios de este foro pero este es un foro educativo y seberia mal y es ILEGAL que en un foro tan destacado y educativo mostraran como reversear un programa comercial es ILEGAL y por otro lado seme ase que no conoses bien los crackmes, te digo por que hay crackmes mas difisiles que los programas comersiales y no creo que te los comas como si fueran chetos.

Consejo: practica con crackmes de diferentes niveles y si quieres practicar con un programa plantea tus dudas nomas dudas eee.

Saludos flamer y si me estoy por tando mal perdon avisenme


Perdon por las molestias,me estoy repasando todos los ejercicios de crackmes ya voy por el 15 hasta ahora con exito,hasta el 58 me queda camino,cuando los termine seguire con este proyecto.


hola e empezado otra vez los crackmes para refrexcar ya voy por el 15 con exito hasta el 58 aun me queda por recorrer,namas termine seguire el proyecto,perdon por las molestias.

apuromafo CLS

no hay lio, de seguro cuando ya tengas un poco mas de practica lograras hacer inclusive un tutorial, para el mio yo espere bastante, pero los frutos se vieron no por dias, sino por años, luego deje este tema por tema de tiempo

suerte en tu avance, lo primero que debes encontrar son como moverte en un delphi, luego eventos, luego los form, luego saber las limitaciones y como las maneja y luego transformarlo en uno funcional si en caso x no es demo, si logras entender el algoritmo en una de esas hasta lo registras...

saludos Apuromafo


El caso es que es demo el programa que intento Crackear pero es una de esas demos que estan completas porque al parecer realiza la funcion de traduccion de codigo source de un lenguaje a otro,ya e avanzado bastante,le e quitado los mensajes de this is a demo version que te lo ponia por enmedio de la traduccion molestando,tambien le e quitado la limitacion de traduccion de 200 lineas de codigo,ya e hecho la prueba y me traduce 1500 lineas   :xD :xD :xD solo me falta saltarme la seguridad que evita hacer copy y paste en las traducciones de codigo que te muestra el programa,pero no parare hasta conseguirlo  :) :) :)