haciendo andar softice en xp sp2

Iniciado por radamel falcao garcia, 4 Mayo 2009, 00:04 AM

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radamel falcao garcia

bueno como me he decidido a tenerlo andando en mi ordenador he instalao el softice de ricarsdo narvaja
como no encontrao ningun manual de ricardo narvaja sobre instalar softice solamente los pasos que son estos

1ero. instalar todo el driver studio 3.2:

2do. Instalar el parche de Drive studio tal como dise el archivo en html que esta en este zip:

3ro. instalar actualizacion del SoftIce

he echo todo tal cual, pero me han quedao dudas sin mas estas son unas capturas de como ha quedao luego de instalar

aqui me quedaron dudas porque no habia nada para explicar solamente instale segun me parecio isntale los dos

y este es el texto del update para xp sp2 he exo todo tal cual

Compuware DriverStudio – DriverSuite

Version 3.2 ONLY
Version 3.2 patch.

The purpose of this patch is to update DriverStudio – DriverSuite to fix several bugs that have been found. It also has the operating system update patch.

After extracting the files the result should have been two directories a host directory and a target directory.

This corresponds to the two distinct parts of the debug environment.

·         The Host – The machine that will host the debugging applications.

·         The Target – The machine that will be running the binary that will be tested.

NOTE: On a single machine-debugging environment (When the debugging and the testing machine are the same machine) you will need to do the host AND the target portions described below.

Softice is a typically a single machine environment and VisualSoftice is typically a two machine environment.


·                     Copy the files osinfo.dat and osinfob.dat from the host directory into the following directories.

                    <Install Directory>\Compuware\DriverStudio

                    < Install Directory>\Compuware\DriverStudio\VisualSoftICE

·                     Copy the file DS.exe the host directory into the following directory

                    <Install Directory>\Compuware\DriverStudio


·                     Copy all the .sys and all the .dat files found in the root of the target directory to the system32\drivers directory.

·                     Copy the siksym.sys from the appropriate subdirectory (IA64, AMD64 or X86) into the system32 drivers directory. Note: only copy the one that applies to that specific target.

Bug Fixes

·                     Enumeration of printers that were removed causing memory exception in DriverWorkbench (ds.exe).

·                     Update support for XP SP2 and future operating systems.

·                     Occasional keyboard lockups.

el problema ahora es que inicio soft ice y se me congela la pantalla he leido sobre que suele ser incompatible con drivers de video y 3d pero quisiera que me dijeran como arreglarlo para hacerlo andar desde ya estoy agradecido  :xD ;-)