TFTP: problema detallado

Iniciado por agustinbv9, 20 Febrero 2011, 17:35 PM

0 Miembros y 1 Visitante están viendo este tema.


El tema es asi.

Tengo mi maquina (atacante, ip, y un VirtualBox (victima, ip, las dos con windows xp sp2. Hice shell inversa con el NETCAT , y obtuve la shell de la maquina victima .

Ahora yo quiero tranferir archivos por TFTP .
Instale el server TFTPd32 en mi maquina (atacante) y lo tengo andando. Ya configure la carpeta base, y en Security le di None.

En la carpeta base tengo un archivo "hola.txt" .
Introduzco la siguiente sentencia en la maquina victima por la shell que obtuve:

C:\> tftp -i get hola.txt

y me termina diciendo Tiempo de espera agotado.

El log del tftpd32 me dice:

Connection received from on port 1991 [20/02 13:34:09.046]
Read request for file <hola.txt>. Mode octet [20/02 13:34:09.046]
Using local port 1992 [20/02 13:34:09.046]
Peer returns ERROR <Sorry, wasn't talking to you!> -> aborting transfer [20/02 13:34:09.093]
Connection received from on port 1991 [20/02 13:34:10.078]
Read request for file <hola.txt>. Mode octet [20/02 13:34:10.078]
Using local port 1993 [20/02 13:34:10.078]
Peer returns ERROR <Sorry, wasn't talking to you!> -> aborting transfer [20/02 13:34:10.140]
Connection received from on port 1991 [20/02 13:34:12.140]
Read request for file <hola.txt>. Mode octet [20/02 13:34:12.140]
Using local port 1994 [20/02 13:34:12.140]
Peer returns ERROR <Sorry, wasn't talking to you!> -> aborting transfer [20/02 13:34:12.187]
Connection received from on port 1991 [20/02 13:34:16.234]
Read request for file <hola.txt>. Mode octet [20/02 13:34:16.234]
Using local port 1995 [20/02 13:34:16.234]
Peer returns ERROR <Sorry, wasn't talking to you!> -> aborting transfer [20/02 13:34:16.296]
Connection received from on port 1991 [20/02 13:34:24.296]
Read request for file <hola.txt>. Mode octet [20/02 13:34:24.296]
Using local port 1996 [20/02 13:34:24.296]
Peer returns ERROR <Sorry, wasn't talking to you!> -> aborting transfer [20/02 13:34:24.343]
Connection received from on port 1991 [20/02 13:34:32.343]
Read request for file <hola.txt>. Mode octet [20/02 13:34:32.343]
Using local port 2001 [20/02 13:34:32.343]
Peer returns ERROR <Sorry, wasn't talking to you!> -> aborting transfer [20/02 13:34:32.406]
Connection received from on port 1991 [20/02 13:34:40.390]
Read request for file <hola.txt>. Mode octet [20/02 13:34:40.406]
Using local port 2002 [20/02 13:34:40.406]
Peer returns ERROR <Sorry, wasn't talking to you!> -> aborting transfer [20/02 13:34:40.453]
Connection received from on port 1991 [20/02 13:34:48.453]
Read request for file <hola.txt>. Mode octet [20/02 13:34:48.453]
Using local port 2003 [20/02 13:34:48.453]
Peer returns ERROR <Sorry, wasn't talking to you!> -> aborting transfer [20/02 13:34:48.500]
Connection received from on port 1991 [20/02 13:34:56.500]
Unexpected request 5 from peer [20/02 13:34:56.500]
Returning EBADOP to Peer [20/02 13:34:56.500]

Alguien sabe que puede estar sucediendo?
Aclaro que tengo los firewall desactivados en las dos maquinas.


Instale otro server TFTP , el SolarWinds TFTP y tengo el mismo problema.

En todos los tutoriales que lei lo hacian asi , sospecho que es un problema con el VirtualBox, puede ser?