CVE-2015-0558:Debilidades en las claves WPA de Pirelli y Wifi-Arnet en Argentina

Iniciado por *dudux, 5 Enero 2015, 23:40 PM

0 Miembros y 1 Visitante están viendo este tema.


Acabo de liberar el algoritmo de Pirelli Arnet, espero que la compañia solucione los problemas causados.

CVE-2015-0558: Reverse-engineering the default WPA key generation algorithm for Pirelli routers in Argentina

Citar*Timeline    :
2014-09-11  Found the algorithm
2014-09-12  Send a message to @ArnetOnline via Twitter @enovella_
2014-09-15  Send a message via website, still looking for a simple mail (
2014-09-16  Send another message to Arnet via website. First reply via twitter where they redirect me to the website form.
2014-09-19  Direct message via twitter. I talk with them about the critical vulnerability and offer them an email with PGP key
2014-09-20  More twitter PM about the same. They do not want to be aware about the problem though.
2014-09-23  I assume that Arnet does not care about its clients' security at all regarding its little interest.
2014-09-24  I send the problem to the vendor ADB Pirelli via website form
2014-09-28  I send the problem to the vendor ADB Pirelli via email to Switzerland
2015-01-05  Full disclosure


Muy guenas a tod@s !!!

Publicada nueva version de app para android con el nuevo algoritmo WPAmagickey v1.5.   :laugh: ;-)

Thanks  Eduardo Novella @enovella_

Un saludo.

PD: Como siempre, en algo, habre metido la pata.