problema con php y phppgadmin

Iniciado por Cergath, 11 Julio 2010, 04:03 AM

0 Miembros y 1 Visitante están viendo este tema.


hola, es que instalo el modulo de postgresql y todo va bien pero cuando accedo a phpPgAdmin me dice:

Su versión de PHP no tiene el soporte correcto de bases de datos.

Tengo isntalado soporte para php4 y php5, habrá alguna confusion por esto?

Filibustero de bolsillo

Usas cPanel? si es así tienes que reconstruir el php interno de cpanel:
danielito# /scripts/makecpphp

Absence makes the heart grow fonder.


Talvez sea esto?

Q: I've installed phpPgAdmin but when I try to use it I get an error message telling me that I have not compiled proper database support into my PHP installation.

A: This means that you have not properly compiled PostgreSQL support into your PHP. The correct configure flag to use is '--with-pgsql'. Read the PHP manual and website for more help with this.

PostgreSQL support can be also compiled into PHP as a dynamic extension, so if you have precompiled version (Linux RPM, or Windows binary), there are still chances, that only thing you should do is to enable loading it automagically.

It can be done by editing your php.ini file (under Windows, usually in C:\WINDOWS or C:\WINNT, under Linux /etc/php.ini) and uncommenting this line:

   ;extension=php_pgsql.dll   ;under Windows
   ;      ;under Linux

so it would look like that:

   extension=php_pgsql.dll      ;under Windows      ;under Linux

In Linux distributions based on Red Hat or Fedora, PHP extensions are automatically configured in /etc/php.d/pgsql.ini, simply install the php-pgsql package.