Problema con msfgui

Iniciado por andrexpunk, 7 Enero 2013, 21:57 PM

0 Miembros y 1 Visitante están viendo este tema.


La cosa es que me sale msfrpcd died with exit evalue 1. Tengo el backtrack 5.
También me da problemas msfconsole. Quisiera saber una solución.


Deberías ser mas especifico, que tipo de problema es? cual es el log de errores? como lo intentas ejecutar?


Esto es lo que aparece en la consola:

root@bt:~# msfgui
Jan 08, 2013 3:49:34 PM org.jdesktop.application.SessionStorage restoreTree
WARNING: No saved state for javax.swing.JTable[sessionsTable,0,0,874x0,alignmentX=0.0,alignmentY=0.0,border=,flags=251658568,maximumSize=,minimumSize=,preferredSize=,autoCreateColumnsFromModel=true,autoResizeMode=AUTO_RESIZE_SUBSEQUENT_COLUMNS,cellSelectionEnabled=false,editingColumn=-1,editingRow=-1,gridColor=javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource[r=122,g=138,b=153],preferredViewportSize=java.awt.Dimension[width=450,height=400],rowHeight=16,rowMargin=1,rowSelectionAllowed=true,selectionBackground=javax.swing.plaf.ColorUIResource[r=184,g=207,b=229],selectionForeground=sun.swing.PrintColorUIResource[r=51,g=51,b=51],showHorizontalLines=true,showVerticalLines=true]
Jan 08, 2013 3:50:04 PM org.jdesktop.application.Task failed
SEVERE: msfgui.RpcConnection$2@7a2840 failed: msfgui.MsfException: msfrpcd died
msfgui.MsfException: msfrpcd died
        at msfgui.RpcConnection$2.doInBackground(
        at msfgui.RpcConnection$2.doInBackground(
        at org.jdesktop.swingworker.SwingWorker$ Source)
        at java.util.concurrent.FutureTask$Sync.innerRun(Unknown Source)
        at Source)
        at Source)
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor.runWorker(Unknown Source)
        at java.util.concurrent.ThreadPoolExecutor$ Source)
        at Source)


Código (java) [Seleccionar]
try{ //unfortunately this is the only direct way to check if process has terminated
int exitval = proc.exitValue();
setMessage("msfrpcd died with exit value "+exitval);
throw new MsfException("msfrpcd died");
} catch (IllegalThreadStateException itsy){
} //Nope. We're good

//unfortunately this is the only direct way to check if process has terminated

debes checkear si msfrpcd esta corriendo antes de ejecutarlo!.

firma retirada por insultar/cachondearse de (anelkaos) del staff.


esto es lo que aparece al iniciarse el backtrack
FATAL:  bogus data in lock file "":""
/pot/metasploit/postqresql/scripts/ postgresql could not be started